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Zhurong by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Feb 8, 2021
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Western fire lord

In Nu Was lore she saved the earth from two rampaging gods who broke apart the world. Zhurong is one of those gods. Now for this guy's lore I am not entirely done with it since it involves multiple gods and how he ended up in smite. Probably won't ever come in a while though so no promises.

Passive Ability

Burning deatj
Upon dieing releases a ring of fire that slows and burns enemies hit.

Primary Abilities

Dragon's breath
Blows at his sword and in a cone in front of him fire spreads which lasts 3 sec and burns enemies for 5 sec. Every second of blowing fire a fire ball is shot forward from his sword which explodes and stacks burn. If ash storm is active sends two balls of ash along the sides of the burning cone.
Ash storm
Makes a shield out of ash that boosts his other abilities and lasts for 5 sec. This also boosts his passive to blind enemies struck.
Lava trap
Sends a fissure through the ground in a straight line that dmgs enemies and slows them. If enemy is hit at the end or choose distance lava rises and roots enemies struck. Also burns. Ash storm knocks up nearby enemies. Can only root one enemy at a time. If dragon's breath is used on root will explode dealing more dmg and stuns in explosion radius.

Ultimate Abilities

Sword art: sun slash
BA's become ranged for 5 sec. Each attack sends waves of fire that explode and stun every third hit. Stacks burn on enemies. Attack speed is also increased. Ash storm slows and blinds enemies hit.

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