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Zipacna by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Apr 6, 2021
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Mountain shapper

The brother of cabrakan. Is like sobek but a a caimen. Helped the four hundred boys (thought to be gods of wine) make a hut and when they saw zipacnas strength they thought no one should be that strong and decided to kill him. They wanted to use a giant sharpened pole as the main support for their hut. As well as us eit to kill zipacna. He saw through this and dug a little hole next to the one the spike was supposed to go and crush him. He convinced the boys he was dead and when they finished their hut they celebrated and got drunk. Then he got out of his tunnel and made the hut crash down on the sleeping boys killing them.

Passive Ability

Spike spear
Zipacna wields that same spike that would have killed him as a spear. If enemies are far away he throws it. If enemies are close enough he swings it side to side dmging enemies in a cone. The spike is so large it can hit multiple enemies even when thrown.

Primary Abilities

Spike driver
Zipacna throws his spike upwards and it crashes down on an area stunning and dealing DMG to enemies. Acts like terrain for 3 sec. While the spike is there zipacna can recast to leap to the spike and push it further into the ground cracking the ground around the spike knocking up and dmging enemies. This leaves behind broken ground which slows enemies.
Earth's vibrations
Zipacnas spike starts to vibrate giving him speed boost and BAs can now push enemies and deal increased DMG. If a spike is thrown it pushes enemies back slightly. If in melee range spike swinging from side to side also drags enemies with it side to side. Lasts 5 sec.
Rupture line
Zipacna slams the ground sending a fissure forward. This knocks up and dmges enemies. Zipacna is given a movement speed boost if it hits an enemy god.

Ultimate Abilities

Mountain crusher
Zipacna becomes cc immune while he reaches into the ground and picks up a mountain. Can only hold onto it for 3 sec. Movement speed is reduced while carrying mountain. Can throw it at enemies stunning, rooting, slowing, and dmging enemies underneath the mountain. It stays there for 2 sec and is impassable terrain. Zipacna can destroy it earlier by Ba on it or recast. This explodes the mountain dealing more DMG and stacks slow.

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