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Zombie band by ZingZang1235

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Zombie band

By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Nov 4, 2021
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Zombie band

Jimmy, Jim, James

The zombie band consists of three players Jimmy the accordion player, Jim the bass player, and James the saxophone player. They also have a shrunken head that sings for them.

Passive Ability

Undead band
All band members share hp and mana and all are out at the same time. There is no ability to switch between them. Every ability cast grants the band a stack of whailing sound max 25 stacks. When at max stacks 20% of all dmg the band deals is converted into true dmg until all stacks are lost. If the band dies with all stacks they reanimate after 1.5 sec and gain increased attack speed and the true dmg bonus is increased to 50%. When reanimated they have rapidly decaying hp which can still be dmged by enemies. They will officially die after all their hp is gone. This reanimation passive has a 180 sec cooldowns or if the band reaches 100 stacks it resets automatically.

Primary Abilities

Accordion bounce
The accordion player Jimmy slams his accordion down on the ground and in an area around them let's out a burst of sound that gives a stack of their passive for every enemy god hit. This sound blast dmged and slows enemies hit. Afterwards the band is launched forward in a direction of their choosing and upon landing let's out a burst of sound again dealing increased dmg and stunning all enemies hit. BA bonus: BAs now are melee sounds blasts that surround the band but gains permanent attack speed.
Bass blast
In a some around the band the bass player Jim creates sound that grants the band a stack of their passive for every second an enemy god is in the zone. This lasts 5 sec and enemies inside of the dome take constant dmg, are slowed, and are trembled. BA bonus: the bands BAs now are ranged sound blasts from Jim that apply a slow to enemies that can stack up to a cap.
Saxophone riff
The saxophone player James plays a few notes that grants 3 stacks of passive. I. Doing this the ground in front of the band in a line cracks open dealing dmg, crippling, and trembling enemies hit. This ability has 3 casts of it before if goes on cooldown. Each cast has a 1.5 sec cooldown before another ability can be cast. BA bonus: BAs now pierce all enemies hit and have higher armor penetration and crit chance. Gains a 15% increased movement and attack speed boost if this ability hits an enemy god. Can stack up to a cap.

Ultimate Abilities

Zombie cacophony
The band plays a song with all of their instruments and in doing so sends a long range line attack that dmged and charms enemies hit. Per each enemy god hit it grants the band 3 stacks of their passive. Enemies hit by this attack are also marked for 10 sec. The mark is activated if they are killed reanimating that enemy to gain increased movement speed towards their own allies and upon reaching one it stops for .5 sec and then explodes dealing dmg and slowing any enemies hit by their undead ally. When the marked gods die they give mana and hp to the band and reduce their base abilities cooldowns. If an enemy god is not close enough to a reanimated enemy it wanders around in random directions for 10 sec before exploding on their own. If they spot an enemy they will run after them until time is up and they explode or if they are in range of an enemy.

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