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Help with my Medusa guide

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Forum » Build & Guide Discussion » Help with my Medusa guide 2 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Shlappz » November 27, 2016 8:40pm | Report
Hi guys. I made a Medusa guide which will be linked below, and I need some advice.

I have 3 main questions, although general feedback is also accepted.

1) The Items section.

It is essentially a broken up wall of text right now, and I want it to be easier to read while retaining all the information in a neat and concise way. How should I go about that? I guess you could say I'm having a creative block.

2) My preferred build.

I used to build Qin's third, but now I have learned that building it third is generally not so good. How should I change the build in a way that is better, but is still different from the Conservative build? Should I just combine the two builds and rewrite the whole Items section to go with it, or is that unnecessary?

3) Conquest Gameplay section vs Lane Matchup section

Is there a better way for me to differentiate the headers of the two sections? Right now I'm getting a bit too much of a "repetitive traffic light" vibe from it. Would just repeating the same header be a better idea? I tend to dislike repetition because it gets boring, but I could see uniformity being a good idea.

Both of those sections are also kind of broken up walls of text, similar to question 1, so is there a way to better present all that information in a neat and concise way, while also differentiating them from each other and from the Items section?

Thanks in advance for all feedback given, I appreciate the help
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » November 27, 2016 9:24pm | Report
Hey Shlappz,

In order to get some better separation from text, you're probably going to have to delve more deeply into BB coding.
  1. Check out one of my guides as examples of how I separate items/builds, but of course, there are many other ways to do this.

  2. I don't think it's necessary to rewrite the whole thing, the top (and in the written section below), you could better direct people to choose items 3 and 4. Right now you just say "choose 2," but some of those combos would be bad. Rather, consider grouping like "items 3 & 4 (mid-game power spike)" and "items 3 & 4 (high survival)" etc. Does that make sense or do you want me to elaborate further?

  3. Uniformity can be a good thing. However, I suggest, as in topic #1, getting a bit more into BB've definitely spent some time with this guide, and you're obviously looking to continue improving it, so perhaps making things stand out a bit more would be nice. As seen in some of my recent changes, I learned one of the GIMP basics to work with layers and special text effects to create the headers seen in my Medusa / Freya / Bacchus guides. You might also use spoilers strategically.
Hope this helps!

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