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No way to find out important game facts!

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Forum » Database » No way to find out important game facts! 3 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Timmerman » May 9, 2013 9:05pm | Report
Hi there Smite Community!

So as the topics title states: WHere is all da game facts for a real seriousnerdynerd like me?!

A couple of examples of this:

Hmmm what could be the maximum cdr% you can stack?
(on the same topic: Is there a max on any stats; which ones?)

Hmmm what is the XP lost when a tower lasthits a creep compared to you just staying nearby it when it dies?

Hmmm what is the XP gain from you lasthitting a creep compared to you just staying nearby it when it dies?

The list goes on <3

Please walp!


Posts: 5
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Animusliberus » May 9, 2013 11:31pm | Report
For all those facts you can best ask here since most of them are pretty hard to find (but not impossible)

35% is the cap on CRD
and yes there is a cap on every stat. just go ingame to the stats page in the guide section out of the match or in the match at the shops stats tab.

a tower only lowers the gold gotten from minions

same for last hitting, only more gold :D

and just post a full list here if you want to know stuff or join our razer comms and people will help you out there as well.
if you need anything just PM or ask me when I'm streaming here


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Timmerman » May 10, 2013 12:08pm | Report

For all those facts you can best ask here since most of them are pretty hard to find (but not impossible)

35% is the cap on CRD
and yes there is a cap on every stat. just go ingame to the stats page in the guide section out of the match or in the match at the shops stats tab.

a tower only lowers the gold gotten from minions

same for last hitting, only more gold :D

and just post a full list here if you want to know stuff or join our razer comms and people will help you out there as well.

What a lovely answer! I might put some questions here over time then ;D


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