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Can someone explain deserter penalties to me?

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Forum » General Discussion » Can someone explain deserter penalties to me? 2 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DeanOMiite » March 17, 2016 9:44am | Report
Let me start by saying I'm totally 100% fine with deserter penalties. I play on XBox and yes I am totally in the habit of dodging a match when I see some BS like support zeus, or two guys both saying they're gonna play mid and having nobody play support or something. I don't want to waste my time with that so I quit out of Smite and just requeue for a new match. I'm not asking that you agree with that, but that's how I feel about it.

So with that, apparently, comes deserter penalties. Which, again, I'm fine with that. But I used to not get penalties at all for doing this, then when season 3 started, I got a 30 minute penalty. I waited 30 minutes, quit again (this time as a test) and I got a 60 minute penalty. I had no problem with that, I DID desert the match. Well after a few days I wasn't getting penalties anymore, then patch 3.3 came out yesterday, I deserted a match because some guy wanted to play Chronos mid even though we already had a mid and he was yelling into his mic about it, so I decided to back out because I didn't want to play with him. I got a 30 minute penalty for that. Whatever, I waited 30 minutes and played the rest of the night without quitting. Then this afternoon, again as a test, I joined a lobby and deserted and got a TWO HOUR penalty.

So what I'm seeing is escalating penalties against me, but in an inconsistent time frame. 30 minutes for one infraction, 60 for the next, then a month without any penalty, then 30 minutes, then 120 minutes. If I quit again, what kind of penalty will I get? Will these penalties persist throughout the entire patch or will they fade away (like it seemingly did shortly after patch 3.1 came out)? Is there anything written where I can research this?

And one last time...before anybody gets all "OMG quitter take what you get" I'm NOT DISPUTING THE PENALTIES I RECEIVED. I'm literally just asking how they escalate and why they are sometimes assigned and other times not.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » March 17, 2016 3:03pm | Report
wait xbox doesn't have a 5 min penalty for dodging/not accepting (or I'm totally wrong about that as I haven't doen this in a while)?

Well how deserter is supposed to work is:
when you leave a match you lose all your goodwill and get a time penalty. The time penalty resets after you haven't left a game for 24H of your last offense.

you start with 30 min
after that 60 min (within the same 24 you got the 30)
120 min (within same 24 as you got the 60)
240 min (within same 24 as 120 or last 240. 4 hours is the max)

this is the page HR gives

hope it helps
Why it jumped from 30 to 120 is weird.


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