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Forum » General Discussion » Cheating/Hacking 8 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by MaliceV » February 6, 2014 7:02pm | Report
Has anyone seen anyone who was really cheating or hacking? One time i was almost positive a guy was. Now i kinda just think he was that good. Maybe he started over, it was a very low lvl game.The average :VL was 5 or six and he was already 15. Do you think that is possible.


Posts: 10
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Ryvvik » February 6, 2014 10:37pm | Report
Yup, just once. It was a 3 man queue 3v3 joust. We started off pretty much slaughtering them but their artemis was moving unnaturally fast (def not lag). We didn't really care much since, even with the fast speed, she was dying.

As we killed them more and more the other two people begin moving fast as well. They would run forward/backwards at high speed. The posidon, without an cooldown items, begin popping his ultimate quite a lot. In a few cases it def seemed like he shouldn't of had his ultimate off cooldown (though he never popped any back to back).

This game was reported to Hirez immediately after. I never heard back.


Remarkable (7)
Posts: 176
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by MythOfMercury » February 6, 2014 10:51pm | Report
I had an invincible Anubis once. It was a 3v3 and we ganged up on him after killing his mates. His health went down only to a certain point, then nothing. We hit him with everything and he slowly strolled out of it. The entire game his health would only go so far and then stop. I was playing Mercury at the time and just wailed on him again and again.

He only seemed to retreat to hide the fact that he couldn't die. Which was horribly obvious when we are droping ults on him left and right and he just shrugs them off. Game went donw with him walking away with twenty kills to zero deaths.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Thiel » February 7, 2014 7:44am | Report

I had an invincible Anubis once. It was a 3v3 and we ganged up on him after killing his mates. His health went down only to a certain point, then nothing. We hit him with everything and he slowly strolled out of it. The entire game his health would only go so far and then stop. I was playing Mercury at the time and just wailed on him again and again.

He only seemed to retreat to hide the fact that he couldn't die. Which was horribly obvious when we are droping ults on him left and right and he just shrugs them off. Game went donw with him walking away with twenty kills to zero deaths.

Funny. I've been accused of godmoding with Anubis once too, and ironically went 23ish-0. It was a conquest game though.

I've seen some very, very dubious lagging and/or speedhacking. But it's never been black and white for me. Especially the forcing lag part, since that wouldn't be considered breakign the EULA.
That's just my 2 cents.

Oy! Give me some privacy.


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Posts: 325
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Shavul » February 7, 2014 8:07am | Report
I found an Ymir that outsped Sobeks dash. He was the fastest thing I've ever seen in game.


Remarkable (7)
Posts: 236
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by MythOfMercury » February 7, 2014 3:19pm | Report
Thiel wrote:

Funny. I've been accused of godmoding with Anubis once too, and ironically went 23ish-0.

Yea that is funny 'cus he probably could have scored more kills but he kept back. At first I thought he was using aegis or some other in game method but the fact that his health stoped at the same point everytime and he could stroll through the tower zone without taking a bit of damage made it just too obvious that he was doing something.


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Posts: 44
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Ghraf » February 7, 2014 8:57pm | Report
I had an Artemis that was pretty blatantly speedhacking and lagswitching. Every time our team would come in on her to gank or she was in an unfavourable position, suddenly everyone would start rubberbanding or running in place while she just ran away like nothing was happening. If she was chasing you, it would happen then as well, and she could cross the map unnaturally fast. I didn't report it, but everyone on my team was complaining about it because it was really annoying to deal with the lag every time she showed up to fight.


Memorable (13)
Posts: 483
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Chiulin » February 7, 2014 9:37pm | Report
Ghraf wrote:

I had an Artemis that was pretty blatantly speedhacking and lagswitching. Every time our team would come in on her to gank or she was in an unfavourable position, suddenly everyone would start rubberbanding or running in place while she just ran away like nothing was happening. If she was chasing you, it would happen then as well, and she could cross the map unnaturally fast. I didn't report it, but everyone on my team was complaining about it because it was really annoying to deal with the lag every time she showed up to fight.

I played a team like that. There would be zero lag until the second you walked in attacking distance of the Hades. Literally the whole game was Hades teleporting to us and we got stuck running in place. Then the next thing you know we are at home dead. Everytime we ran into the other two teammates everything was fine though.


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