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Disconnecting from match lobby.

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Forum » General Discussion » Disconnecting from match lobby. 5 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Nocnock » August 5, 2014 6:32pm | Report
Alright, I've been online for 20 minutes now bouncing back and forth between Siege and Joust trying to get in a match. All this time I've had people disconnecting from those match lobby's then jumping into another lobby.

Something has to be done with these people this is ridiculous.

Brandon12, Neutronstar4, SmackASalmon, Burned120, SmackASalmon again, Vlad, Triarii, Bosskwar, Moraffe

8 People including the same person twice dropped the match and I guarantee the same people are doing it more than once. Now something needs to be done about this because this is ridiculous. Smite you need to BAN people who leave the match lobbies because for this to continue to happen is just not right. This type of stuff shouldn't happen.

I like to register and come on forums to see what people are talking about and get ideas and info on the game not complaining about something that needs to be in the game and wasting time sitting here only for me to reconnect to the game and let's see if it happens again.. BRB

OH LOOK AT THAT!! zJinXz disconnects from match lobby.. This is absolute BS.. 30 minutes now 9 different people have done this and for 30 minutes it has continued. Meanwhile I sat here for about maybe 5 to 6 minutes typing missing match queues and I goto connect and right away BOOM happens again.

Either set something so these people can be banned or there is the list go in and manually BAN these morons for 24Hrs and show them this is not tolerated. They should not be able to Reconnect to a match lobby once they have left left it there should be a Ban make it be know..


Posts: 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » August 5, 2014 7:02pm | Report
One time I played battle field 4... someone left...

I got over it

(Thinks ban will stop it ---> Insert face palm here ----> ( )

repeat offenders who are purposely doing it sure, random disconnections, ect, no ban.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by SpreadTheMadness » August 5, 2014 9:12pm | Report
Nocnock wrote:

Alright, I've been online for 20 minutes now bouncing back and forth between Siege and Joust trying to get in a match. All this time I've had people disconnecting from those match lobby's then jumping into another lobby.

Something has to be done with these people this is ridiculous.

Brandon12, Neutronstar4, SmackASalmon, Burned120, SmackASalmon again, Vlad, Triarii, Bosskwar, Moraffe

8 People including the same person twice dropped the match and I guarantee the same people are doing it more than once. Now something needs to be done about this because this is ridiculous. Smite you need to BAN people who leave the match lobbies because for this to continue to happen is just not right. This type of stuff shouldn't happen.

I like to register and come on forums to see what people are talking about and get ideas and info on the game not complaining about something that needs to be in the game and wasting time sitting here only for me to reconnect to the game and let's see if it happens again.. BRB

OH LOOK AT THAT!! zJinXz disconnects from match lobby.. This is absolute BS.. 30 minutes now 9 different people have done this and for 30 minutes it has continued. Meanwhile I sat here for about maybe 5 to 6 minutes typing missing match queues and I goto connect and right away BOOM happens again.

Either set something so these people can be banned or there is the list go in and manually BAN these morons for 24Hrs and show them this is not tolerated. They should not be able to Reconnect to a match lobby once they have left left it there should be a Ban make it be know..

Calm down dude. The same thing's been happening for me today but it was people that I was talking with. It's not the peoples fault, there's just something wrong with the servers right now.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » August 6, 2014 10:40am | Report
jup it's annoying (and still I question how do they do it) and is I'm right you will get the deserter stuff also.

On reconnecting I haven't seen the possibility to reconnect to a game in progress on one of mine DC. Searching the internet for it there isn't a possibility to reconnect other then logging in again and if that doesn't work Bl no reconnecting.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ASDF9000 » August 8, 2014 5:59pm | Report
If it's a co op bot game I can reconnect but if it's a pvp game as I log back in if the game is still going it will auto reconnect me to the game about 50% of the time and the rest of the time I just get deserter


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