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Double Stacking ?

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Forum » General Discussion » Double Stacking ? 3 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Terrencify » January 9, 2017 8:12pm | Report
So what is it about double stacking on hunters. I see it alot in casual play is it just something people just decide to do ? I recently watched dmbrandons tierlist and he said you're and idiot if you don't double stack cupid ? Trans + Devos ? lmao I haven't tested it yet but eh I just wanted to see what you guys think


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by GameGeekFan » January 9, 2017 10:49pm | Report
Double stacking is not really standard for ADCs and any hunters in general. The idea of an ADC is to get to late game as fast as possible to make use of your levels and items. Of course this will take time since some of these items are expensive as heck, but double stacking hinders it more than most.

Its meta to just pick one or the other, or neither at all. It truly is up to you, but double stacking requires you to stack 125 stacks, which is quite a task.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » January 10, 2017 12:24am | Report
And the payoff isn't really any different in the end...other items will give you pretty much the same DPS in most cases. This has been discussed quite a bit on Reddit, by DukeSloth, etc., as to more in-depth reasons why it's just better not to.

DM says a lot of stuff...I didn't see it, but guessing the idea here is to get as much power in his kit as possible, combined with strong pen or something. I dunno.

These days, with his adjusted kit and passive attack speed boost, I'd look more for attack speed items. He's got mana regen in his kit...don't see him needing Transcendence all that badly, myself. Ducks? Thoughts?

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