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Favorite Ranged god this patch?

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Forum » General Discussion » Favorite Ranged god this patch? 4 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Nocturne_Saint » December 28, 2017 9:54am | Report
So yes ,I have the all god pack. and I love playing ranged in smite. I'm looking for a few new ranged gods to play around with and there are tons for me to choose from.

what are you farvorire ranged gods and why
what is in their kit
why do you like them
do they have an escape?
do they have a form of cc?


Posts: 7
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » December 28, 2017 10:55am | Report
So you're basically talking Hunters and Mages. Since you sort of ask a lot of questions, I'll target 2 gods in each class. I do like a lot, so just chose 2 at random, due to them having some kind of escape.

If you're not familiar with these, you should play around with them (that's the only way to really learn and know their kits). Start in Jungle Practice just to get a feel for their abilities, distances, etc. Then you just need to play them a bit.

Favorite Hunters: Medusa, Hachiman. I like both of these gods because their kits feel well-rounded...they have escapes of a type, have some teamfight function, etc. Both have some form of CC in at least 2 abilities.

Favorite Mages: Discordia, Nox. I didn't really know which mages to choose, honestly. Discordia only has a very short escape, BUT it can go through walls, which is nice. Both have good CC, and Nox in particular is well-known for her cancerous silence and root.

For any people still learning the game, I always suggest gods with escapes. If you find you're prone to being out of position or just dying a lot in matches (and maybe you don't know why), I very, very strongly suggest gods with escapes.

Other mages I like a lot: Freya (more like a magical hunter), Eset, Chang'e, Hel, Agni, Sol.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Tlaloc1050 » December 29, 2017 1:44am | Report
For me, one of my favourites currently is Discordia. I like how her 1 deals a **** ton of damaged while her 2 is like an improved version of Serqet's 2. Oh and her ult is like Bacchus' and Serqet's ultimates combined. Overall seems quite similar to Serqet. Discordia's 3 is great because although the leap is short it's a great escape through player made and natural walls. It also allows me to sort of spam her 1 and 2.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by RipleyW » February 28, 2018 2:03pm | Report
My favorite gods of 2017 would be Da Ji and The Morrigan and maybe Discordia oh and Cu Chulainn


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