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Forum » General Discussion » Freya... 9 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BrotherMonkey » October 12, 2013 12:45pm | Report
I don't know what else to do. It's about a week since i started Smite. I unlocked joust (1x1) and just can't win it. I tried around 10 times already and i got Freya as opponent 10 times.
She is just too overpowered no matter what you do she still can escape or catch up and her damage is just tremendous wtf are you supposed to against her in 1x1 ?
I'm already thinking about deleting game.


Posts: 36
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xCO2 » October 12, 2013 1:16pm | Report
Your problem is that you just started playing a dueling type game mode in a game you have little knowledge of. If you're ready to quit after a week of playing because you're not doing so well then its probably best that you do, because this is a strategy game that requires dedication and time to understand. Its not a game you can pick up over night, not to mention that 1v1 is a bonus game mode, this is a team game based around Conquest. If you want to try and reapply yourself then maybe Chronos will help you win against Freya.

You're posting this on a site with a plethora of guides, please take some initiative next time and maybe research before you post.
Look through Freya guides, see what her play style and counters are.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » October 12, 2013 1:41pm | Report
really? look the game is not balenced around 1v1's she does a lot of damage but that is it. not to great escape. play a bit more concuest and just don't go tango with here.
never forget dawngate and never forgive EA. Freia will hunt them for eternity.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Romanians » October 12, 2013 2:40pm | Report
Don't quit the game .

I play Freya 1 vs 1 a lot and I know I am vulnerable early game .Don't let her do anything (buffs/minions) , she won't get cash and xp and she'll be underleveled .Get Combat Blink for her ultimate and you should be fine . A good counter is Loki .The stupidly overpowered Mercury is not a bad counter either .
You'll most likely meet newbie Freyas who won't build not even a bit of attack speed .Speed is essential (in my opinion) vs Freya.
Not only will you be able to avoid some of her Pulse attacks but speed is also good to avoid her Banish in which case a smart Freya will back off a bit since it's her only "escape" and speed may also help get out of her ultimate range .

Stay away as long as she casts Pulse , if she wastes her Banish , even better , and only then make your move otherwise you will get slowed and blinded by her Pulse + tons of damage .

My suggestion would be to learn the game better in a game mode like arena before heading to 1 vs 1 which requires you to know how to counter certain gods .I only played my 1st 1 vs 1 3-4 weeks after I've reached lev 30 .


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BrotherMonkey » October 12, 2013 5:02pm | Report
Look i understand how this thread looks to you, but luck of skill is not the problem.
I tried all other game mods and had good results in them only mode I'm getting ****ted on is 1x1 and every time it's Freya with same build, different players.
I tried Assasins, but every assasin I have (Bakasura,Loki) is getting two shotted or outmanoeuvred with Discretion and then two shotted. Then i tried Ares knowing that i will face Freya in random match, (Which i did btw) but to my surprise i discovered "Purification Beads" insanely broken active item which rendered my skills useless.

Her escape mechanism is more than perfect, she either runs away from you using "Banish" or she evades anything you can do with "Discretion" and kills with 2/3.

What i want to gain from this thread is advice from experienced players, maybe there is some kind of mostly useless item which counters her or Direct Character which counters her.

and thanks for the replies specially "Romanians".


Posts: 36
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Firraria » October 12, 2013 6:00pm | Report
Freya is OP imho. I would suggest you stay away from 1v1, the game is so much more fun when playing a team-oriented mode like Conquest. But if you insist on doing 1v1, try using someone like Vulcan. This guide is great for him and it's what really got me into him.
He's great for joust 1v1 with his high push, and since Freya has little poke damage your turrets will be excellent.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ThatnubOverThere » October 12, 2013 10:57pm | Report
For Freya i play neith and always win... i recommend using gods with dodging ability's like Neith's jump. Seems to work for me :o


Posts: 4
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by EnjoiDank » October 13, 2013 2:05am | Report
xCO2 wrote:

Your problem is that you just started playing a dueling type game mode in a game you have little knowledge of. If you're ready to quit after a week of playing because you're not doing so well then its probably best that you do, because this is a strategy game that requires dedication and time to understand. Its not a game you can pick up over night, not to mention that 1v1 is a bonus game mode, this is a team game based around Conquest. If you want to try and reapply yourself then maybe Chronos will help you win against Freya.

You're posting this on a site with a plethora of guides, please take some initiative next time and maybe research before you post.
Look through Freya guides, see what her play style and counters are.
IGN: Dankus


Posts: 27
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Tantal » October 13, 2013 5:16am | Report
Play 20 games with her & try to understand the weak points of her mechanics


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