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Guessing what Danzaburous nerfs will look like in the 8.01 patch

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Forum » General Discussion » Guessing what Danzaburous nerfs will look like in the 8.01 patch 4 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by MongolPSR » December 31, 2020 12:35pm | Report
So this is my very first post and I thought it would be an interesting topic that could be a bit of fun. High Rez has revealed that danzaburou will be receiving some changes in the 8.01 patch. They like his kit and how it functions so I'm pretty positive that all the changes will be number based and not taking away parts of his kit..
I love danzaburou and frankly I don't know if I agree he should be nerfed at all, but I'm going to put that bias aside and offer a full nerf list that I think could bring his effectiveness down a bit.The way I write this will work like this. I will offer the changes for his kit then explain why.

Passive gold gain rewards will be nerfed from 180 / 265 / 350 / 500 down to 130/210/320/500

His pouch requirements will say the same just the rewards will be changed.

Danzaburou has one of the fastest gold gains in the entire game. His passive mixed with his ad/jungle clear makes him burn through gold with an average 2k to 3k gold lead on the entire game. This means reasonably Danzaburou will always have his full build before any God in the game even if he's running an expensive build. This change drops his passive gold gain rewards by 130 in total but since his requirements are still the same its going to take the same amount of effort for less reward. The second part to his gold gain will be addressed in an additional nerf later in this rework.

fools gold (1):
It will have its damage scaling dropped from +80% physical power to +70% physical power. This will also apply to secondary hits and explosions

The explosion damage will be nerfed from 30/55/80/105/130 down to 20/45/75/105/130

Intoxication will be changed from 0.6 / 0.8 / 1 / 1.2 / 1.4s to 1s at all levels.

Fools gold runs with a lot of hats. Its high damage scaling mixed with adding to Danzaburous passive as well as adding intoxication makes it one of the strongest lines in the game. By dropping its damage scaling down to be more in line with other hunters this will make his early game ad clear take either the use of his 2 or more basic attacks to clear a line and will force the use of his 2 on jungle camps to clear fast in early game. This change is what will slow down his gold gain. His gain will still be faster than most but it will not be so severe anymore.

His intoxication effect either feels like it does nothing or it's the most annoying thing in the world. By giving a baseline in the middle at all levels this will make learning its effects by other people much easier.

Alluring spirits (2):
Hits to break the gourd will be nerfed from 2/2/3/3/4 to 2/2/2/3/3

At first I thought the issue with Alluring spirits was the heal. Though after enough time I began to look at the health of the gourd. At early levels it does its job. However if you level it all the way up it does too much of its job unless it affects a God building attack speed. If the taunt is pulled off it is a guaranteed hit with fools gold at all levels. By capping its health at 3 and making it have only 2 health for an additional level this should help gods with no attack speed potentially break free before taking any more additional damage and make attack speed gods even more of a counter to Danzaburou.

Tanuki Trickery (3):
True sight item effects and abilities will now reveal Danzaburou.

Currently Danzaburous stealth acts completely differently than any other gods in the game. This change will bring him in line with other stealth abilities. For example heimdalls 1 will now reveal Danzaburou.

Uproarious Rocket (4):
Additional power scaling will dropped from +110% down to 95%.

Cooldown will be increased from 90 seconds to 100 seconds

This final change is to help lower Danzaburous overall burst damage capability. His full combo is overall lower and he can do it less often.

Overall I think this list of changes will lower how well Danzaburou can perform in every roll. It brings him more in line with other hunters and the time of any lane Danzaburou will be over. His roles will be pushed down to duo and jungle only as his damage scaling is what was making him be able to perform in solo and mid.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » December 31, 2020 1:48pm | Report
Doesen't Heim 1 reveal Danza on the map though


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by S7evin424 » January 2, 2021 2:03am | Report
I do think the gold nerf is kinda required. The whole reason Hunters strategy is just to farm the entire game until they get their build online because once they do they become the hardest hitting, fastest killing gods on their team. It's why, or at least I assume, jungles tend to gank the carry more often cause the more trouble you can cause them the slower it takes for them to gain their gold giving your team and your carry the advantage.

Danza being able to get a massive gold lead even if he was getting killed, ganked and every effort was taken to slow him down makes him kinda OP. Cause hunters in general with full builds are kinda OP.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » January 4, 2021 9:25am | Report
I think his ult might gain a turn nef he can 180 the rocket quite fast


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