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I was just abused playing Odin. What did I do wrong!?

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Forum » General Discussion » I was just abused playing Odin. What did I do wrong!? 7 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Rockmelon » June 29, 2013 4:04pm | Report
Hey everyone!

So I decided to try out Odin by playing a conquest, I took the right lane with Neith and we were paired against another Neith and Athena.

Long story short, their Neith was hitting me for around 100+ dmg at level 1, of course I died a few times along with our Neith. Another player on my team started flamming and abusing us, saying we were feeding intentionally, where the reality is, we were just being dominated by the Neith/Athena combo.

Is Odin really this weak in early game? I didn't think I was doing anything really bad, but it was either just sit there and watch the tower burn or try and fend them off.

Any tips would be much appreciated, it was the first time I was abused since playing this game by a team mate and I'm level 20 now. Were we just outplayed or was I at fault for using Odin in a conquest?



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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Piederman » June 29, 2013 4:30pm | Report
Odin is really strong with his Lunge + Gungnir's Might combo, along with his ultimate Ring of Spears while laning with a strong AoE god, or in mid-to-late team fights. He's also really good at solo laning, however it takes some skill and a little bit of knowledge when to use your abilities in order to successfully get away without losing the same amount of health. Firstly what you want to do while playing a tank is to learn what your enemies abilities are, when you know this, you should initiate when ever you see that those abilities have been used. If you're playing a tank with a CC though, you should always save that CC for your opponents strongest ability in fights, to save your lane partner from dying.

About the flame part though, this is happening a lot in MOBA games I'm afraid, and I'm suprised you haven't noticed it already. Just report them if they are over doing it, I mean just once or twice isin't really that harsh in my opinion, I don't really report people that curse in one or two sentences. When it goes over 5-6 though, I suggest you report them to make Smite a more fun game for you, and for others.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Rockmelon » June 29, 2013 4:37pm | Report
He's so mana hungry though, I find that I can only use a skill 3 times before I'm OOM and have to return to base, and with Neith constantly harassing me and pushing me back I can't even get minions down quick enough before being back at the tower.

I find his late game quite amazing, but early game was shocking, could've just been a bad game though?

Would you tend to play Tank odin or bruiser? I'm just not sure about Odin bruiser, I'd rather go Loki as he's just as squishy early game. -.-

Just very confusing, don't like being abused haha!


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Lrv7795 » June 29, 2013 10:19pm | Report
I play Odin quite frequently, and let me tell you, he takes some getting used to. When you master him though, he is very helpful.

First off, ALL tanks are relatively squishy early game. They just haven't built enough health and protection yet. Play passive at first to assure that you don't fall behind your teammates.

Secondly, I have no problem building Odin bruiser.
This is a VERY good guide for Odin. Just be sure to take the Ninja Tabi. It is tanky but with the crit chance and attack speed you would expect in a Bruiser.

Just remember, play passive until you get the Frostbound Hammer. Only then can you lay down a beating on your opponents.

Don't get discouraged if someone harasses you in Smite or any MOBA for that matter. It is the nature of the beast. Just the other day I got cussed out by a guy who said I didn't help enough in a SINGLE team fight, when I barely escaped with my life. I finished 3rd best on our team, so he didn't really have an excuse to get that mad and tell me I am terrible at Smite. After the game I reported him and that was that. It's just something you have to deal with.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TheAmazingComicBookGuy » June 29, 2013 10:45pm | Report
Odin often gets abused, because he is 1) a tank and 2) his ulti can screw over your team. I don't think that Odin is a very good early game god, but that doesn't mean that you can't do anything. Here you go a miniguide to Odin
Skill priority: 4-3-2-1 (you can skip your ultimate early on to put some levels in your 2 or 3, but I like putting points in the ultimate
Skill usage:
1) use this to inditate, but I would rather NOT use this for anything other than getting away.
2) your 2 is incredibly weak early on, but midgame you can use to burst someone down or help your carry with it.
3) this is your most impostant skill, because it gives good damage and crazy hp regen.
4) using this at the proper times just comes with experience, but don't use this when the enemy has a jump and hasn't blown it.
Reinforced boots (might wanna tabi, but I like early game survivability)
Stone of gaia
Breastblade of Valor
Frostbound hammer
Some penetration
Sell the vanguard and buy bracer of replenishment
Pick Odin when your team has a lot od aoe damage.

Not doing well isn't a very bad thing, because it happens to everyone. I once went 0-8 agains a Hercules just because I had a bad game :P if you have a bad game try to pull off a comeback and if someone is harassing you just mute him.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » June 30, 2013 3:11am | Report
I have odin on god rank 1 or 2 I think, I was playing him for a good couple weeks and was owning with him.

Odin IS MUCH BETTER played as a damage dealer than a tank 3/5 of the time. Build him with slight defense depending on who you are facing and what they are building as well.

If you are soloing always pick up meditation but this is only if you are soloing and some times you can pick up meditation when you have no need for beads, ect.

Odins 3 does soo much damage to people and this is what you need to max out to clear waves.
This has a delay which you need to work with well to get in and out when trying to clear waves.
You have to activate his 3 right before you go into the wave and right as it activates you want to start pulling back so it hits all the minions and brings you back safe next to your own minions just in case you hit a god.

Early game is tough for any god, its tough for odin because his 3 is his wave clearer and its range will make you hit gods which in turn will make you take too much damage from minions. This is why he can die early, just play it safe until you get a defense item or start leveling up more.

I would disagree to pick up ninja tabi but thats just me, I would rather take penetration of critical strike 3/4 of the time. You will need some penetration and early game your crit won't be high enough to crit much anyways. If you want to crit then pick up rage or something else later on.

Pick up something like rank 1 warrior tabi, then get the MARK OF THE VANGUARD too help from god/minion damage early game. Buy 1 health pot and 1 mana pot.

Like others have said depending on who you face you will need to use your 1 + 3 combo, that is you jump past the enemy then use your 3. It is important that you jump BEHIND THEM so when you slow them with your 3 you can block them from escaping activate your 2 or just block for your team mate to kill them off. Do not do this early game though or you could die, mid game its not a problem.

Also FORCE characters that have jumps to use their jump. Using your jump is a fake which will most of the time make the enemy jump because they think your going to ult. Depending on where they are and how they are facing you can make them jump into your team mate or make them waste their jump and land next to you into your ult. Also you should always stay FAR BEHIND a character that can jump because once they backflip you are right there.

Max 3 out, use your 2 on towers so your minions/team mate can take the tower down super fast.

Use your ult, then use your 3 then your 2 then attack. Frost bound hammer will make them dead fairly easy.

Odin shines the best when he is up against another physical damage dealer, this way you can build items like void blade to give you power/defense, you will be unkillable to who you face and you will also dish out more damage with your 3 and basic attacks following up since they are squishy.

The best way to play odin is with more attack with some defense towards who you are facing.
Crit is super important on damage characters but you have to realize there are other items for that and I like penetration on my boots most the time.

Whenever you ULT someone sometimes you will have a good juker trapped in your ult and he makes you miss all your basic attacks. What you want to do when you start moving around missing is just STAND STILL and rotate until you are with them again. SOmetimes people just run in circles and you only have to stand still and rotate to hit them.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sunfall » June 30, 2013 2:38pm | Report
What did you do wrong?

You weren't playing him as a solo laner. If you pick Odin, you're most likely expected to solo the 1v2 lane, because he is able to hold it, on top of keeping up with the other lanes, and your ultimate will keep your opponents from trying to dive you.

Playing him anywhere else in the current meta is quite detrimental, especially since a good bruiser is needed to solo the 1v2 lane if you don't want to feed your enemies early tower gold.
Waiting on a good new MOBA, please.


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