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Is Apollo on par with other AD's?

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Forum » General Discussion » Is Apollo on par with other AD's? 8 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by JararoNatsu » March 30, 2013 9:50pm | Report
I've been looking at Apollo, and the more I think about his kit the more I question whether he is on level with the other ranged AD's. He ABSOLUTELY does not compare to Neith, who's overpowered anyway but her abilities have more CC and have more damage.

Xbalanque excells in his burst compared to Apollo, especially in early game.

Cupid is one of the best mid-lane Gods and is great in 1v1. While he has little damaging abilities, his heal and Flutter make up for that. Apollo has his own Flutter in a sense, so I feel that Apollo's kit might be slightly superior.

He does not compare to Artemis' ability to dish out damage. She beats them there almost indefinitely in my opinion. Although he can clear out minion waves faster than she can, she will beat him in a fight, especially with his indirect Ultimate.

With Anhur's Phys. Power reducing passive and his damage capabilities, as well as his minion-clearing abilities, I can say that Anhur beats Apollo.

What do you guys think? Personally, I cannot call him underpowered. He just doesn't achieve the potential of the other ranged AD's. Sure, his Ult can traverse the entire map, but it doesn't do a lot of damage and is relatively difficult to use well.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Animusliberus » March 31, 2013 5:45am | Report
in a way he's on par.

with his ult he can easly gank other lanes or chase an enemie easly, something the other ADs don't have.

and his burst is almost as great as art when he has his passive up.
his passive is soooooo strong but without that his kit is indeed lacking.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Aphnex » March 31, 2013 6:44am | Report
He is very well comparable to other AD Carries. Thing is, Apollo doesn't burst in early game like others, but excels in mid-late game. He can reach limits just the same as others especially with his ultimate, it just takes time. Like a Bakasura mind you. Oh, and the ultimate? One of the best in the game no doubt.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sunfall » March 31, 2013 8:30am | Report
People seem to get this idea that if you're a physical ranged, your role must be that of a carry. Yet when I look at Apollo, I'm seeing is someone who is meant to work like an assassin, not as someone who's supposed to carry your lategame. Now that isn't saying assassins don't carry, but they sure as heck aren't the most reliable role to do so.

Think about it. Three of his four skills are designed to help him secure the kill, or escape from danger. His passive steroid requires buildup, and is more of something used to burst, and once it's used up, your DPS goes down. Lastly, you're squishy, and won't contribute much to a teamfight. All of these are the traits of an assassin role.

The reason why I don't consider Apollo to be a carry is simply a lack of high, sustained DPS lategame. He can burst you with the passive if it triggers, but that's it; almost every other ranged physical (minus Neith) has a steroid to up their DPS above his level, allowing them to output consistently higher damage lategame. Apollo's skill also often require him to either put himself near enemies or be near them to do any damage, so outside of So Beautiful, his skills already have no use for damage in a teamfight (Mesmerize is early broken by rampant AoEs). He's not going to be harassing much from a distance, especially since his 1 is his only good wave-clearing move.

What he does do is he can secure kills, and get away with it quite easily.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Lancerblade » March 31, 2013 8:56am | Report
while i do like his skills and fun to play i think he isnt on par.

ive played quite a few games with him and in every game his dps can be killed by simply maxing out a single armor item, and in an example wheni was in a joust match i had to dedicate 2 slots to armor pen items, 2 to items to get high crit chance (and it wasnt bein unlucky with criting, most of my hits were crits.) together the crit and pen items also gave a good amount of extra damage and attack speed as well. then i had my 1 defensive item and maxed out physical power boots. it wasnt until after i had all this that i could do a fair amount of damage against those who had a single armor item but tanks and any1 who had more than 1 the dps just wasnt high enuf to deal any real amount of damage to em, i couldnt kill them but they had no trouble killing me


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TheAmazingComicBookGuy » March 31, 2013 9:33am | Report
I don't play physicals nor ranged and nor melee (exept for Vamana and Odin) and I don't try to carry as a tank so I could be wrong but I feel like he is the best out of all physicals. He has hands down the best passive of all, a super damaging 1. ability, a decent stun ans a dash, speed buff, speed debuff ability. His ultimate is just like Thors, only better (chasing, ganking, traveling)!
I have had no problems with basically anyone, I think Artemis and Cupid are even under powerd. Neith, Xbal and Anhur also require a lot of skill to be usefull. I think he is the best physical ranged, do I say he is the best carry? No! Is he a great all around/assassin? Yes. There are also 2 types of apollo: the one who gets fed and the one who is feeding.
I might see things in a bad perspective but I think he has the best burst, mobility and potentional


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by JararoNatsu » March 31, 2013 10:46am | Report
Sunfall wrote:

People seem to get this idea that if you're a physical ranged, your role must be that of a carry. Yet when I look at Apollo, I'm seeing is someone who is meant to work like an assassin, not as someone who's supposed to carry your lategame. Now that isn't saying assassins don't carry, but they sure as heck aren't the most reliable role to do so.

I've been saying this as well. He's obviously very different from the other ranged AD's. My build for him is based on that idea.

I don't know what it is. I mean, he can't be played like the others, but instead more like Loki. Focus on one God, or use your abilities to survive. Despite that, I feel like there's still something about him that's... lacking. An oh-so-slight tweak that would be just right.

One thing about him is that unlike Gods like Xba, his play style is more "smooth", I suppose. Not burst your face, not stab yo face, but progressively assault yo face.

I have had no problems with basically anyone, I think Artemis and Cupid are even under powerd.

Compared to the other Ranged AD's, they're underpowered but that's because, well look at ***** Neith of the Flippy Flip-ness... Overpowered. Xba's AMAZING early game burst, disturbingly difficult to counter. Compared to the rest of the God roster, I can say that Art and Cupid are rather balanced.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TheAmazingComicBookGuy » March 31, 2013 1:21pm | Report
JararoNatsu wrote:

Compared to the other Ranged AD's, they're underpowered but that's because, well look at ***** Neith of the Flippy Flip-ness... Overpowered. Xba's AMAZING early game burst, disturbingly difficult to counter. Compared to the rest of the God roster, I can say that Art and Cupid are rather balanced.

Yes, but you simply gotta compare them to the best XD


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