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Issues with Aphrodite

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Forum » General Discussion » Issues with Aphrodite 10 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Galelyan » March 16, 2013 10:43pm | Report
Alright, I haven't seen aphrodite played a whole ton like neith and vulcan were when they first came out, probably because she's a complete support, but I still have some serious issues with that *****.

Her 20% soul mate speed boost is literally impossible to escape from unless you can turn invisible or jump 500 feet into the air and fly away (loki and thor)

Her ult nullifies Ares even further, but this time there isn't even a window where his ult can be used because her ult has a short enough cd to counter ares' pull every. single. time. As if the poor guy's ult needed to get the nerf stick AGAIN.

I hate healers. absolutely hate them, but that's not really a character issue, that's just me complaining about people escaping by the skin of their teeth or pulling off a miraculous comeback kill on me because they had a freakin heal available that wasn't a ****ty potion.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by JararoNatsu » March 17, 2013 12:35am | Report
It was to be expected that Aphro-titties was going to be a huge game changer. I must admit, she's a bit on the powerful side, especially with ALL THE HEALZ. She has the potential to be unkillable, when played right. The thing is, though, that since she is a SUPPORT, her job is to buff the hell out of her ally/allies, and not so much deal damage. If she does get fed, though, it's because of some strange team fight that ended in her favor.

Remember, this game is extremely competitive, so the reason you haven't seen her around as much as Neith or Vulcan during their early release is because she's a support God.

As for Ares' Ult, it's always been easy to counter. Aphro-titties' Ult just makes it easier to do so.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by mellojoe » March 18, 2013 12:41pm | Report
Honestly, I'm fully expecting her heal to get nerfed slightly. Sure, she doesn't do a ton of damage, but when she can heal so much for her and her allies, it becomes more and more infuriating.

Her strength isn't an issue. I don't even think her boosts (speed or damage) are much of an issue.

But, every game I've seen Aphrodite play has had healing way above and beyond anything else. Before Aphro, the most heals I saw were in the 7,000 or 8,000 range, sometimes getting close to 10k, which is a lot of self-healing. Every game I've seen WITH Aphro has been minimum 20k healing.

Maybe we'll see the metagame come around and "solve" her, but I suspect we'll see the healing ceiling come down a bit.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Khrakhan » March 18, 2013 5:40pm | Report
I laned with her when I was Ares....we were unkillable. Didn't get many kills but we didn't die at all and was able to push enough to get the towers due to our incredibly high sustain. Not only does she heal like crazy, she also keeps her partner's mana up so never any reason to leave until you have enough to buy next full item :P

So yeah, I see her getting nerfed a bit, but I still love laning with her, wish more players enjoyed being support...


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sunfall » March 18, 2013 7:23pm | Report
JararoNatsu wrote:

Remember, this game is extremely competitive, so the reason you haven't seen her around as much as Neith or Vulcan during their early release is because she's a support God.

I was under the impression it was because she always seems to get banned in Ranked, like every new god that comes out. XD

But in all seriousness, I think it's more of an issue with her being the only true support god in the game currently, so she only feels strong because she's creating a new role that didn't really exist before (Hel sucks now, and Ra/Guan Yu are only partially support). Once we start seeing more support gods, they will start to become the norm, and they will become another crucial role that teams should consider picking up, much like how we already usually need a mage, a carry, and some bruisers/tanks.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by JararoNatsu » March 19, 2013 10:27am | Report
Sunfall wrote:

Once we start seeing more support gods, they will start to become the norm,

On the day, I will cry. And do you know why? Because Anubis, that little fly, will take much, much longer to die.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Ragingstorm » March 19, 2013 10:29am | Report
Especially with Narujitsu is controlling them all day with his constant ranting.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Animusliberus » March 19, 2013 10:30am | Report
I love the way hirez worked with her

they looked up the lore
and said
how can we make a god that ****s Ares and Vulcan
the anwser was
she will be a support that gives speed and free beads/eagis
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by JararoNatsu » March 19, 2013 10:43am | Report
Ragingstorm wrote:

Especially with Narujitsu is controlling them all day with his constant ranting.

Damn right.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Ultralazuli » April 26, 2013 4:03am | Report
OK so I'm not a level 30 player, and I know my opinion probably doesn't amount to jack **** here, but from what I've seen of her, Afrodynamite is ridiculously OP. She doesn't even need to have a partner to completely shut down any melee assassin or carry, and if she does have a soul mate, it's game over making ranged damage dealers and tanks a null and void point. Might as well surrender at 2 minutes in, because with her CC and damage and healing, there's no way to really stop her from continuously pressuring any lane until there's nothing left. God forbid she pick to soul mate a Ne Zha.

I suggest her heal's line be narrower and that it only heals allies that are in the path of the doves when used. Having an EZ mode autoheal for her lane partner is ridiculous and OP imo. Making it much more of a skill shot, as pretty much everything else is, would even her out, help stop her from pressuring lanes completely, and make it so that more skill is most certainly needed to do her job well. I'm not saying that there shouldn't be GOOD afro players, but that her heal+dmg combo is too easy to land and clear out minions and do ridiculous damage whilst healing every inch of damage your full combo just did.

I personally think that her kiss shouldn't stun, and should instead mesmerize, as that would fall more in line with her lore and general design. It would still pretty much perform the same utility as a stun (to get her/her allies out of danger or setup for a gank/initiation) but wouldn't be quite as absolutely damning when combined with her other skills. As it stands now, she just has to stun and run to avoid anything unless you buy beads just to counter her. If not that, maybe make it have a shorter stun, and not increase with additional levels in it. Maybe something like a 1.3 stun or a 2.5 sec mesmerize?

I think her knockback ability's damage should be toned down slightly. Not a big amount, but it feels a bit too strong.

I think that's all though. She feels incredibly brokenly op right now. I know I'm not a top tier player or even level 30 right now, but it seems impossible to really counter her unless she's 1v5 in a good gank or something.


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