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learning guardians and warriors .....

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Forum » General Discussion » learning guardians and warriors ..... 5 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TacoOnTheToiler » February 6, 2020 3:53pm | Report
So recently I’ve jump back into smite with my friends, it’s been about two seasons since I last played, we mostly play joust. I primarily used to play Hunters, well I’ve gotten kind of bored only playing that role. So I’ve branched out and while I do well enough against people my skill level, but my friends are way above me so we do tend to get really tough people I feel like I’m not able to do anything. I know a lot of times I’m too scared to be front line because I’m still learning to build for situations, I’m just not familiar with the items for these roles. Is there a good place to go that will really go in depth with what I need to build and what I should be doing for either role or situation?!?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » February 6, 2020 6:49pm | Report
Hi TacoOnTheToiler (did you mean to put a "t" at the end of that?),

Unfortunately, the question of how to build and how to play is something that is difficult to answer. Most cases are situational, and you might build differently for one tank to another, and from one matchup to another.

If your friends are knowledgeable on builds and are willing to direct your builds for a while, chat with them about the choices they suggested after the game. A lot of times, you want to get familiar with the individual items so you don't really have to look them just think:
  • "There are 2 physical enemies and 1 magical in this Joust match, and right now I want some physical protections and health, so I'm going to get Sovereignty." Or...

  • "There are 2 enemy healers and 2 of them are magical, so I'm going to get Pestilence."

  • "My god has 2 CC abilities, and my friends said the god is strong early. I'm going to get Stone of Binding to add to my team's early kill potential, while still giving myself some protections."
Things like that.

As for "how to play," well, this depends on the god also. If you're Bacchus, you'll often be the front-liner, looking to distract and soak up some damage. If you're Athena, you'll look for the best times to initiate or to peel. If you're Khepri, you'll maybe poke the enemy with your 3 here and there, but you'll mostly stick close to your teammates, and peel for them or body-block when possible.

If you want to give some specific scenarios or matchups, we can perhaps give you some suggestions and explanations, but a lot of it is just to keep working on familiarizing yourself with the items and gods, and as you play you'll gradually understand more and more (as long as you're always thinking about it).

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TacoOnTheToiler » February 6, 2020 10:03pm | Report
Oof yeah that was meant to be a “t.” I have to zoom in on my phone to read and type, wish I could change that now.

You’ve given me a lot of the information I was looking for that I will be applying tonight. A lot of it is just thinking out loud what I’m going to build and why, would help me out. Until I get comfortable. Thank you


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » February 7, 2020 2:19am | Report


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by boogiebass » February 7, 2020 8:09am | Report
I recommend you PM Stuke99. He is one of our best warrior players. Of course, like Bran said, give us a god and a specific scenario (game mode, ally/enemy team comps, etc) and we can suggest some situational builds for you.

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