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Match making question/concern

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Forum » General Discussion » Match making question/concern 4 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Axtrixis » August 18, 2013 11:50am | Report
I've been here playing Smite for just over a week now, and I'm almost level 19. My wife was watching me have a blast and started playing a few days ago.

So when we log on, we group together, and queue, my question is, why do the games seem so much more mismatched when we group and queue then when I'm playing solo?

Someone in a match yesterday said the game assumes if i'm grouped, then we are better players, and it by passes the match making 'rules', if this is true, it's really counter productive to the refer a friend program as my friends would want to play with me.

Has anyone figured out why the teams seem to be so unbalanced? I tried 'the google' and it is either a lot of speculation or links to the Hi-Rez forums which are 'missing'.

Thanks in advance. :)


Posts: 14
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Shamu » August 18, 2013 1:30pm | Report
As in the skill of the players?
If she's level 1 and you're level 19, then you're going to (I assume) be against enemy levels 14-ish while your own party could be just as varied.
I'm not quite sure what the "problem" is because you never really stated as to why ti was unbalanced ;) But I know in other MOBA's I've played, if I was level 30 and my friend was level 1, we would be against level 20-ish. (Which, yes, is unfair for the level 1.)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » August 18, 2013 3:09pm | Report
They pick people who are around the same level as the person in the party who has the Higest level. Make a new account or wit till she is about the same level as you .
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Axtrixis » August 18, 2013 3:13pm | Report
She's still learning the game, so it's 'unbalanced' in that people with more experience are trouncing her, making it harder for her to learn. :)

I'll just make a new account and play with her until she catches my main account.


Posts: 14

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