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Ne Zha Mid / All Physical Carrys for the win???

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Forum » General Discussion » Ne Zha Mid / All Physical Carrys for the win??? 1 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » August 12, 2014 11:58am | Report
I literally just played a conquest match were I was Ne Zha mid lane against Janus.
When I locked Ne Zha for mid my team said GG were about to get **** on.

At the very last 10 seconds there was two players on our team who did not pick a god.
At the very last second BOTH of them picked two physical gods, which ment that our entire team was physical. Someone after seeing this said "GG we are gonna get **** on"

Well it turned out to be the biggest rape fest I have ever seen.
First off all against Janus I got 3 kills probably before the 10 minute mark.

By this point Mercury their jungler couldn't even gank because I was so strong I could just fight him off and if Janus decides to help him I can bounce my rings for massive damage pretty much making his gank work against him.

There was an arachne solo on my team, when she called solo we said GG just joking around, but somehow she actually freaking won solo lane wtf!!!

We had a fenrir jungle, Apollo and someone else who I can't recall.

They had a entire set up, Tank, hunter, mage ect.

All we had was physical gods and whats funny is we all snow balled out of control to where our damage was out of their league even for the tanks.

Oh and its funny as HELLLLL!!!!

I trolled Janus so hard, he kept using his ult and I would just camp by his portal and wait for him to come through it then ult him TROLOLOL!!!

I think I went like 6-0 with Ne Zha mid before the surrender, I took two towers in less than 15 minutes, somehow solo arachne managed to get a tower.

It was a rape fest how is this **** even possible.

We breakin the meta over here.

The funny part about Ne Zha mid is how Ne Zha does insane damage with the ult to where the mages pretty much get destroyed, best part is when they land they have minions still that you can bounce rings off of to kill them.


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