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New Odin.. two sides of the story

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Forum » General Discussion » New Odin.. two sides of the story 6 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by KingLion » October 14, 2014 1:35pm | Report
Hello there!
So I wanted to discuss the state of the new Odin. First off, I have read a lot of people talk about this particular topic and have mixed opinions. In fact, there are two very different sides:

The first group says new Odin is deceptively strong because of his strong (very strong) burst combo with his leap. A squishy god takes a hell lot of damage from this and works wonders as an execute. People who say Odin is op now claim that with this much damage, Odin is guaranteed to make his fellow laner live hell on earth especially early game, and snowballs from there. His ult
will always be strong and the fact he no longer cages his teamates is very cool.

The second group claims new Odin is very underpowered. They claim that he is just way too easy to kill for a Warrior and that his passive should give him protections instead of power. His ult more often than not ends up killing him given the fact he cannot exit his ring like his allies and with so low protections he is pretty much screwed. He also lacks sustain and his only way to survive (his shield) is his main source of damage too. His base stats are lackluster too.

Now, I personally think despite all the downsides new Odin is quite strong, I find myself doing very well with him in the jungle and his ult is just too good for the team. Then again.. who do you think is right? Would you buff him? Nerf him?.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » October 14, 2014 4:50pm | Report
My favorite part is how I even said "Odin will be good still" and half the people was like "No he is gonna suck, know he will be garbage, now blah blah"

Funny then they all ride Odin saying how he is good....

I swear I see people spam, saying a good is bad yet they will make a new thread saying how the God is good, then someone will say a god is good then complain how they are bad....

Never gets old.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by KingLion » October 15, 2014 9:32am | Report
Yeah I agree with that but I see this god a bit different because he does have a lot of pros but also a lot of cons to be honest. Just today I read on reddit a post saying Odin has the same base health as Ullr so thats gotta suck but I find myself getting really tanky with him anyway which is weird.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by GeouZu » October 16, 2014 12:19am | Report
KingLion wrote:

Oh well, was too good to be true. Well even without that neat trick Herc is just very strong anyway.. Hey Geouzu, what do you think about current Odin? You feel he is too squishy for a Warrior? He falls off late?

Decided to answer here ;)

Actually i haven't tried Odin after his rework, but after reading your thread i decided to try him out, and i played just one match in solo lane. Of course one match is not enough to say anything about him, but from that experience I can say that his early game is not good, but his late game damage is pretty good. I was lanning agains Bakasura so my early game was meh, due to the fact that when i used my leap and shield to clear the wave he could have killed me, although he didn't use that advantage. But late game when me and my team started grouping up, odin showed himself xD. My damage was pretty high, although I was mostly securing kills due to the fact that i had most kills but 3rd overall player damage.

Odin's lanning phase is bad. He uses his only escape to clear the wave, although he clears it easily but it leaves him vulnerable.
His late game damage is pretty high.
Although that is what i saw only from one match, so can't point anything more.

Here is the match if you want to see build and stats.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by KingLion » October 17, 2014 10:30am | Report
Yeah that's why I prefer him in the jungle, where I dont constantly put my *** on the fire for clearing the wave. I think he is strong, but I still feel him a bit too easy too kill, I hate the fact my Ring of Spears cages me and the lack of sustain whatsoever in the kit.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by GeouZu » October 17, 2014 12:48pm | Report
KingLion wrote:

Yeah that's why I prefer him in the jungle, where I dont constantly put my *** on the fire for clearing the wave. I think he is strong, but I still feel him a bit too easy too kill, I hate the fact my Ring of Spears cages me and the lack of sustain whatsoever in the kit.

Yeah, the thing is unless you have blink you mostly will initiate with your jump and then use Ring of Spears leaving you in a very bad situation.. you might get just killed, and you won't be able to escape cause you already used your leap. Unless you have Combat Blink but it has fairly long cooldown


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