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No Thinking Outside the (Meta) Box Allowed

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Forum » General Discussion » No Thinking Outside the (Meta) Box Allowed 10 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by KrispyKritter » September 26, 2013 1:12pm | Report
I want to say a word or two (probably many more actually, but I don't want to scare you) about a kind of prejudice I have noted in some toward any alternate theories to the apparently sacred "current" Meta. As an example, let me share with you a response that was posted in one of my other threads.
"Meta, in Moba games, refers to the general strategy of team placement that should be used to achieve a good end-game team, with proper laning phases. E.G. the current best 'meta' is High MP Mage mid, Assassin or Bruiser-Assassin Jungle, Marksman with Support Long Lane, and Tank or Sustain Solo Lane. That's the 'meta'."
I found this response informative. It was written by a very nice, helpful, and knowledgeable person who shall remain nameless. I am not here suggesting he personally has any prejudice against new strategies. In fact, I am sure he does not. I am simply using his response as an example of a prejudice in others I have become aware of. I have no reason to doubt the accuracy what he says here, as he undoubtedly knows far more about Smite than I do, but I do wish to take exception to one word, namely, "best."
For some people, the current meta is unquestioningly the "best" meta, to which all other strategic possibilities must humbly bow. I would prefer to say the the current meta is the most popular game strategy. To pronounce it "best" is to my mind to suppress creativity because, well, nothing could ever be as good as, let alone better than, what is BEST.
I not only challenge this "best," but I boldly declare it to be hogwash, poppycock, and dare I say, balderdash! The truth of this is plain to me; My parents believed they knew what was "best" for me, yet look how I turned out! For all their certainty in knowing what was best for me, I can now state unequivocaly that they clearly knew squat!
And also do I call down judgment on this best of all possible metas. In the words of the immortal chicken god, Ra: "Fifty stabs down upon you!" OK, that was maybe a little over the top, but I trust I have made my point clear.
Recently, I was watching an EU tourney, SK Gaming vs. Mortality eSports. EU selected Isis, Apollo, Bacchus, Chronos, and Bakasura. According to the current meta, aka "the best" meta, Isis went mid, Apollo and Bacchus long, and of course, Chronos took solo lane and Bakasura the jungle. Right? But noooooooooooooo! They put Chronos in the jungle and Baka in solo. Baka solo lane? Scandalous! Result? SK totally owned Mortality, even though Mortality stuck with the "best" (tee-hee) meta. Who'd a thunk it? Well, SK that's who.
Does this mean that the current meta is no longer "the best?" No, but I think it means there are possible strategies outside the current meta box that are perfectly viable. Admittedly, SK's deviation from the norm is more a variation of it. It is still a 2,l,l set up, but by no stretch of the imagination can Bakasura be thought of as a tank or sustain solo. Baka was up against Au Kwang, who Baka found dee-licious.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Zerosaviour » September 26, 2013 1:27pm | Report
I prefer to go solo on a carry. I gunned down an Au Kuang a lot last night on Apollo. Personally I would love a tri 1 meta with double jungle. Actually did that in a game and we owned hands down. We were able to constantly get ganks and everyone on our team was gaining levels at the same paced while two of theirs that was running a dual lane started falling behind.

Also, most mages don't do well against sins. The only two that do are Freya and Zeus.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by KrispyKritter » September 26, 2013 1:35pm | Report
Zero, I wrote this thread called Two 1/2 Junglers and Three Solo Laners in the theory crafting section. It was panned, of course, but I still like it and think it is potentially viable. Apparently, the was a two junglers method once, back when you could carry more than one buff, and it was quite powerful, but the changes made in the jungle led to the current meta. Since that time, though, you have some new gods and other changes, which to my mind only tend to open more doors as regards alternative metas.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » September 26, 2013 1:37pm | Report
No one says you can't toy with the meta. Well not in random solo queue's but with friends you can.

Me and some friends did a pentankagon arena match and the enemies just surrender after never killing us and getting killed as soon as they walked out of base.

The pro's know that you can defeat a meta with mind games. Baka vs dargon = cooking with baka. This week nogdar.
Baka just cant push very well but he can kill you in 2 seconds making it very easy agains a god who can't get away from him.

But these are practised and well thought out stratgies that only pro's can try out.

There is a meta so that none pro player have a bit of a line to follow. You can just not folloe the line but you need the support of other to do so. If you and only you follow a different way or create your own without anyone it will fail and your team mates hate you for not going with them.
never forget dawngate and never forgive EA. Freia will hunt them for eternity.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by KrispyKritter » September 26, 2013 1:43pm | Report
True, true, All4. I was simply pointing out to "some" that the pros mess with the meta, so it is ok to have new ideas. I was not saying you should be a one man band. Smite is a MOBA after all.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » September 26, 2013 1:51pm | Report

True, true, All4. I was simply pointing out to "some" that the pros mess with the meta, so it is ok to have new ideas. I was not saying you should be a one man band. Smite is a MOBA after all.

I know you know but that is the reason the meta is influenced by only hirez and sometimes by pros because they understand the game best and play as a team with comunication often. While casual players go with randoms who rather play by the meta.
never forget dawngate and never forgive EA. Freia will hunt them for eternity.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by KrispyKritter » September 26, 2013 2:11pm | Report
*stamping feet* but I wanna mess with it!


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » September 26, 2013 2:16pm | Report

*stamping feet* but I wanna mess with it!

NO! Go play outside with your friends and if you are good you and your friends can group up and mess with the meta. BUT ONLY eith your friends.
never forget dawngate and never forgive EA. Freia will hunt them for eternity.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by KrispyKritter » September 26, 2013 2:21pm | Report
My friends only play Mahjong and an occasional hand of Bridge. But I'll be good...mostly.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » September 26, 2013 2:23pm | Report

My friends only play Mahjong and an occasional hand of Bridge. But I'll be good...mostly.

Good. And you can always make new friends on smite.
never forget dawngate and never forgive EA. Freia will hunt them for eternity.


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