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Patch 5.11, "Life and Death" (and taxes or something) - Bran's Thoughts

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Forum » General Discussion » Patch 5.11, "Life and Death" (and taxes or something) - Bran's Thoughts 8 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » June 15, 2018 2:01pm | Report
Patch notes are found here:

New god!

Baron Samedi - God of Life and Death

Baron's Skills & Stats + Comments

Item changes:
  • Breastplate and Silver Breastplate price increases by 100 (nerf): Slight adjustments to put them in line with magical counterparts, which typically start at 600/650. This is reasonable. Side note the T3 items in this tree are reduced by 100 to keep the same total price.

  • Gladiator's Shield (buff): Physical power increased by 5, to 20. It's minor...that's okay.

  • Rod of Asclepius (nerf): Health decrease from 250 to 200, and MS from 10% to 7%. This is good. I'm glad they didn't mess with the % healing on this. Makes it a more specific pro-healing item, without giving too much of other stats.

  • Void Shield (buff): FINALLY we see a price decrease. AND, we get a minor health increase from 100 to 150. This is very nice.

God changes:
  • Ah Muzen Cab (buff/ nerf): Bees! no longer disarms (was only 1 second disarm every 10 seconds), but to balance, Hive gets increased AS (up to 40%!!!) and MS (5 higher at all ranks). Better mobility and whatnot is good.

  • Aphrodite (nerf): Ahhh, the first of the healing nerfs (other than Asclepius), with likely more to come. Love Birds heal scaling decreased from 90% to 75%. Okay. It's a start.

  • Apollo (buff): Regains a knockup on Across The Sky's last hit. This is reasonable, as he won't always get the last hit, and it's a low knockup. Since he's been struggling, I think this is fine.

  • Awilix (buffs): Summon Suku gets a lighter cap on strafe MS, and Gravity Surge gets a really, really nice CD buff...70 seconds at max rank. Estidien/Salad is probably very happy.

  • Khepri (buffs): Fortitude gets an increased radius of effect, and Abduct gives the cricket (GGF) some really nice added protections while holding onto an enemy. Sweet.

  • Osiris (buffs): He needed these. Sickle Strike gets an increase to his base damage from level 2 on. Lord of the Afterlife gets a straight 15 second CD reduction, now set to 75 seconds. Since that's his only mobility, that's a really nice QoL buff, not to mention making him a bigger threat more often.

  • Ra (nerf): Searing Pain gets a much needed CD nerf (10 seconds at all ranks). A 50 second CD on a high damage ult was insane. Didn't nerf his healing (which they probably didn't need to anyway), but a nerf on a healing god...expected.

  • The Morrigan (buff): Confusion's MS increased at lower ranks to help with her early game weakness. Okay.

  • Tyr (buff): Fearless' guard stance now has a disarm, and now sees a buff to the damage in this stance (since it only hits once). These are some nice buffs. I don't know if this is too much or not though. I have difficulties playing him, but have alternatively been owned here and there by a good Tyr player.

  • Xbalanque (nerf): Dead of Night's stacking is now counted via post-mitigation damage, which should slow stacking significantly. Darkest of Nights gets a big CD nerf, from 90 seconds to 110. Ouch.

Baron seems strong, but will have to see. He has no real escape, and that wrap seems a bit like Anubis, so maaaaybe he'll be okay. Glad to see he doesn't have mobility.

The rest of the changes are okay...I think.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » June 15, 2018 2:04pm | Report
Baron Samedi looks great. Much, much better than ****py, boring Chernobog. Void Shield buff is good - especially price as it was slightly too expensive.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by boogiebass » June 15, 2018 2:44pm | Report
I dont agree with the ra ult. That thing is arguably the hardest skill shot in the entire game.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by GameGeekFan » June 15, 2018 3:11pm | Report
I like how Bran still mentions my old guide on Khep.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by boogiebass » June 15, 2018 3:24pm | Report
Why does sobek's hand look like a **** and a pair of balls?

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » June 15, 2018 3:29pm | Report
Because Disney.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by FerrumSlash » June 15, 2018 8:53pm | Report
Is the Baron a guardian, or is he a mage? I'd like to build damage on the guy either way, haha.

One thing for sure, though, is that this guy is way overtuned. We'll see how he plays out but on paper, this guy just brings so much to the table. That passive is interesting though, so he's got that going for him.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » June 15, 2018 9:41pm | Report
Utility mage. Keep teammates close. CDR, damage, and some protection.

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