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Possibility of gods getting reskinned?

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Forum » General Discussion » Possibility of gods getting reskinned? 2 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BubyM » July 9, 2016 7:00am | Report
Hey Guys! A few days ago I got the gold skin for Thanatos (just to showoff to my friends). And after looking deep into the skin I found that it was VERY ugly.. I was wondering if there is the possibility that skins would get redone?
If you are wondering what I mean by Ugly;
for E.G
Hou Yi's Diamond skin;compared to
Thanatos' Diamond Skin;
There is much more of a contrast between skin and clothing with Hou Yi's skin but thanatos is just all diamond and blue which makes it look very ugly.

TLDR: some skins are ugly


Posts: 7
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Zilby » July 9, 2016 7:25am | Report
They do do texture updates to gods from time to time, and they are going through gods mastery skins and changing them from the old style (character's skin is made of gold/diamond) to the new (skin looks normal). Gods like Thanatos though probably won't be updated since they don't have any skin exposed and his model itself still looks pretty good. Honestly imo his diamond looks fine, I agree there's not a ton of contrast, but there isn't that in a LOT of these skins.
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