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SMITE FPS pls need HELP!!

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Forum » General Discussion » SMITE FPS pls need HELP!! 6 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by NightDejavu » September 6, 2019 5:56pm | Report
Hello everyone, first of all, I would like to say that I am Spanish, if my English is not very good so I apologize for that.
My problem is that for a few weeks ago I am noticing that I have 80 fps playing smite, when I usually play at 150fps constant and fluid with all full graphics.(this is only happens to me when i play conquest, assault etc cause in duel i play perfect with 150fps and any drop at all)
I have already asked for help in other forums and many told me that it was my pc and I would like to clarify that this only happens to me with smite of all the games that I have played (the apex legends for example that is a game that requires much more that smite works with everything to the maximum run at 180fps)
I've done a lot of things to try to fix it and I've been told to do so many others. Here I will put all the things I've tried:
-unistall and install drivers nvidia
-unistall and install smite
-unistall and install smite in steam
-fix windows full screen compatibility
-play smite in full screen windows mode
-put into maximum performance the functions of the nvida graphics (gtx1080)
-unistall all options of microsoft games and game bar
I have done all this, it is frustrating to play like this so if there is someone who knows how to solve it and can help me out, I would greatly appreciate it: D


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Karisma » September 19, 2019 6:42am | Report
Did you ever find a fix for this problem?
Currently playing Classic WoW.

Shaman Raid Tank

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » September 19, 2019 7:12am | Report
I don't know, but on my PC I can play Smite at around 60 fps (locked) if I have V-Sync turned on, if I have V-Sync turned off it's around 100-ish fps (though not stable).

The only problem I have had is I reinstalled the game recently on PC ( I mainly play on PS4), and I noticed that several ability effects (e.g. Poseidon Whirlpool) and such were missing during gameplay, I had to turn off the DirectX 11 setting in game and it works properly.

You could try consult reddit, or the smite forums.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » September 19, 2019 10:51am | Report
Oops, missed the first post.

@NightDejavu, I noticed similar weird framerate issues, and I'm not sure if it's just SMITE, but I felt it might have been tied to a recent NVIDIA driver update. One thing you didn't mention that you did was a complete graphics driver wipe. I might suggest you look into DDU:

In any case, I haven't looked at my framerates recently, but I think they're okay right now. I'll have to check. I also have a 1080.

@Kriega: I had ended up messing around with my NVIDIA display settings (outside of the game), and toggled a lot of different things. All of a sudden, the next time I went into the game, a whole bunch of effects were not showing up...Chaac's rain and axe throw targeter, etc., etc. If you have done any of that, you might want to go back into the general graphics settings (again, not in-game), and reset to default and check again. That's what fixed it for me. I do run in DX11 mode, and everything's back to showing just fine.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Karisma » September 20, 2019 2:40am | Report
huh weird, I'll ask around.
Currently playing Classic WoW.

Shaman Raid Tank

aficionado & expert in off-meta specs: Melee Hunter, Smite Priest, Priest Tank Guide, Rogue Tank and more...


Posts: 18
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by NightDejavu » September 24, 2019 4:12am | Report
Branmuffin17 yeah i do the DDU thing and re install the drivers but what more i can do? dont install the drivers? i think i dont understand you well :S ty tho for the help i appreciate :D


Posts: 2

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