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So tired of Server Maintenance

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Forum » General Discussion » So tired of Server Maintenance 6 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by IDNeon » July 29, 2020 12:46am | Report
I know any complaint to Hi-Rez wouldn't go anywhere but does anyone know why they are basically doing Server maintenance at peak-play hours PST EVERY F-ING DAY now?

And why it takes them 3 FREAKING HOURS to reboot a server cluster?

Do they have an IT guy that stayed at a holiday express?

Jeeeze....that's 87% uptime at this rate. I don't think a Taco Bell cash register has that bad of up time.

Even EvE online with 15,000 concurrent users at any given time has moved to no-visible-shutdowns last I saw.

At the very least, can't they restart the servers at oh I dunno...3pm EST? Noon PST? What time is it in Korea right now?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Hades4u » July 29, 2020 1:59am | Report
Server problems happen frequently for even larger companies such as Valve, Ubisoft and EA. Hi-Rez doesn't come as close to their size and activity, but yeah it's pretty annoying when you're excited to play some SMITE and servers are down. :(

I haven't had any issues of my own lately since downtime usually happens during the mornings for me, but hopefully these issues get resolved eventually. There's been stuff going on almost every day with the crossplay update as found here.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » July 29, 2020 11:30am | Report
I like how someone from the PST time zone is complaining about downtime. During patch day If I was looking forward to an afternoon of smite I can forget it. meanwhile, most of west coast USA is fast asleep and east coast is also several hours away from waking up or just waking up (depending on if you get out early).

This is on top of all the other maintenance, often one of the longest (last time I had time for it it was down from ~1200-1700).

Also, more games tend to pick this time even for only EU servers. However, they tend to schedule an end time too.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by IDNeon » July 29, 2020 11:34pm | Report
Devampi wrote:

I like how someone from the PST time zone is complaining about downtime. During patch day If I was looking forward to an afternoon of smite I can forget it. meanwhile, most of west coast USA is fast asleep and east coast is also several hours away from waking up or just waking up (depending on if you get out early).

This is on top of all the other maintenance, often one of the longest (last time I had time for it it was down from ~1200-1700).

Also, more games tend to pick this time even for only EU servers. However, they tend to schedule an end time too.

Can you even play anymore? Because they are shutting it down every day now.

This thread is less about the time zone and more about.


Sorry but NO big corporation has that problem...NONE.

Amazon loses $millions in revenue per hour if it were ever shut down.


Posts: 65
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by IDNeon » July 29, 2020 11:36pm | Report
Oh yippee....server maintenance again....shut down for hours again...


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » July 30, 2020 10:40am | Report
I wouldn't really notice atm, haven't had any time to play cause of work and life in general


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