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Some basics on creeps and camps

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Forum » General Discussion » Some basics on creeps and camps 2 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DeanOMiite » March 11, 2016 7:22am | Report
I play on XBox, been playing since like July or August. I think I'm decent...certainly not great but I have the mechanics down and I know strategies for playing gods and counter building blah blah blah. What I do NOT always think I understand properly though are some of the very basic things about creeps and camps. So here's a list of questions I hope you superior, more experienced players can answer for me:

First part, CAMPS: What are the requirements to get XP and gold from a camp? Do I just need to be in vicinity when the creeps die? If I land an auto or a basic on a creep in a camp, do I get the XP and gold from them when they die regardless of where I am when they die? Do last hit bonuses apply to jungle camps? If I only hit one of the creeps do I only get XP and gold for that creep or do I need to hit every creep to maximize?

Second part, MINIONS: What exactly are the requirements for creeps to aggro me? I know if I'm near them they will attack me, but I thought they were supposed to switch aggro to enemy minions when they approach so...if they have already gone aggro on me or if I have already attacked them, will they switch to attacking my minions or keep attacking me? If I attack an enemy god near them, they will switch aggro to me, correct? I feel like the archers are pretty much always attacking me, is this just because I'm closer to them than my minions are? If I hit minions with an ability (let's say Sun Wukong's cudgel, it hits all of them) and then run into the jungle for camps, do I get all of the XP and gold from every minions or do I need to be near them to get that XP and gold?

I think that's it. I'm really just trying to find ways to maximize my farming and there are some basic things here that I just don't know so...thanks!


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » March 12, 2016 3:59am | Report
I'm not sure about jungle interactions fully but:
just like minions you need to be close (only the range for jungle camps is smaller to their leash range). Last hit bonuses sort of apply if you aren't clearing them solo. The gold will just like with minions be split amongst the clearers unless one of them has Bumba's Mask this person gets the full gold (and a person with Watcher's Gift also gain a bit more)

interactions of creeps/minions are the same in all moba's I played (aka LoL or dota). they will switch targets after a few seconds (so if you hit an enemy after soem seconds if you aren't hitting him anymore they switch targets).

The order of priority:
1. An enemy champion designated by a call for help from an allied champion. (Enemy champion attacking an Allied champion)
2. An enemy minion designated by a call for help from an allied champion. (Enemy minion attacking an Allied champion)
3. An enemy minion designated by a call for help from an allied minion. (Enemy minion attacking an Allied minion)
4. An enemy turret designated by a call for help from an allied minion. (Enemy turret attacking an Allied minion)
5. An enemy champion designated by a call for help from an allied minion. (Enemy champion attacking an Allied minion)
6. The closest enemy minion.
7. The closest enemy champion.

you need to be in their assist range (50 units) to gain the gold and exp


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