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Switch Lite Smite Questions

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Forum » General Discussion » Switch Lite Smite Questions 3 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Rarrapuda » December 23, 2019 7:55am | Report
I play Smite on the Xbox One and that is where all of my friends play. Unfortunately, I travel a lot for work and would like to still play with friends. I am not going to buy a gaming laptop so I am thinking about purchasing a Switch Lite, I just have a few questions. Maybe someone on here can help answer some of these questions. Please understand, I am not expecting to be a pro gamer on a Switch Lite, this is just for casual play with friends while I am our of town. I will also use it for other offline games while on plane rides.

[*] Can me and my friends be in a party when I playing on the Switch Lite and they are on their Xbox One?
[*] If we are able to "party up", is there private voice chat or is voice chat even supported? I know you can use Nintendo voice chat via a phone but I am wondering if Smite has a built in chat like Fortnite does.
[*] Staying with communication, does the Switch Lite support a gaming headset like one used on PC or the Xbox One. (single 3.5mm jack)
[*] I think I know the answer to this but will my HiRez account cross over when I login with it on the Switch Lite. Like will I keep all my gods and whatnot?

Any help answering these questions would be greatly appreciated.


Posts: 3
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » December 23, 2019 9:02am | Report
Hi Rarrapuda,

Yes, you should be able to link up with your friends, as long as you all have cross-play enabled.

Voice chat isn't supported as far as I know in this cross-play situation. XBox has their own system, and Switch has its own (awkward one). One alternative, if you're all okay with it, is to just jump on Discord can do this through your phones. Inconvenient, but it can work.

Switch Lite does support headsets:

You can link your PC and Switch accounts here:

Hope this helps.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Rarrapuda » December 23, 2019 9:12am | Report
Awesome, thanks for all the information! I really appreciate it!


Posts: 3

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