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The most op god?

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Forum » General Discussion » The most op god? 38 posts - page 1 of 4
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Nex The Slayer » April 19, 2013 1:59am | Report
Hello gods and goddess I wanted to make a thread to discuss a topic I have been thinking about for some time. Is there any god in smite with (you think) is op, broken or just too good?

Personally I don’t really think there is a god that is op, sure there are gods that are really good like the newest god Ne Zha. Sure he is really good and I would not protest if he got a nerfed but I don’t think he is as op or broken as some people claim (and I enjoy playing as him and hate to see him get nerfed to oblivion).

I personally think Loki should get a small nerf. More specifically that he can't use his ultimate when he is clocked. It already has a HUGE range and can easily caught someone of guard and set him up for an easy kill, but if you pay attention you can prepare for it and avoid or punish him for using it. However if he time his clocked well and use it there is NO WAY to see it coming and there for no way to avoid it.

Nex The Slayer

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Theophyllis » April 19, 2013 2:07am | Report
loki's 3 has already been nerfed from 150% down to 100% scaling. IMO he is fine where he is. Most people (not meaning you) will stay one god is OP because they got stomped by them. But back to the topic I think that all of the gods are fairly balanced but just a little tweaking may be needed on some gods.
Stay a while and listen


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Nex The Slayer » April 19, 2013 2:13am | Report
Theophyllis wrote:

loki's 3 has already been nerfed from 150% down to 100% scaling.

I totaly forgot about that!

Nex The Slayer

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TheAmazingComicBookGuy » April 19, 2013 3:25am | Report
Poseidon needs a minor nerf, he dominates me when I am playing squishies because there is no real counter to his 3 and he has a wonderfull passive


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by RevanClaw » April 19, 2013 6:10am | Report

Poseidon needs a minor nerf, he dominates me when I am playing squishies because there is no real counter to his 3 and he has a wonderfull passive

His 3 would be fine if you could still use movement skills during it! Not being able to use your leap or anything just makes it hit so hard!!


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Nex The Slayer » April 19, 2013 8:34am | Report
RevanClaw wrote:

His 3 would be fine if you could still use movement skills during it! Not being able to use your leap or anything just makes it hit so hard!!


Nex The Slayer

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by mellojoe » April 19, 2013 1:09pm | Report
I honestly think Hi-Rez is doing a decent job of keeping things moderately balanced. Look, there is no single one god that is always first picked. No single one god that is a must play. Honestly, the ones that are always showing up are the tanks Sobek, Ymir, Bacchus. They are consistently first-pick worthy, and consistently show up in high-tier games. And there you have 3 solid choices, all of which are arguably strong enough to be 1st pick material.

The carries are nearly interchangeable as well. Xbal, Neith, Monkey, Thor... And then you've got a range of viable middle lane characters in Anhur, Agni, Anubis, and Ao Kuang. We actually HAVE choices. Sometimes games devolve into only 5 playable characters, and Hi-Rez has managed to keep the choices alive.

And with at least 5 more options coming down the pipeline, I am hopeful that more choices (not less) will be playable.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TheAmazingComicBookGuy » April 19, 2013 1:30pm | Report
^I wouldn't say that dobek, bacchus and ymir are to powerfull, they are actually balanced out with a weak early game, mana problems and lack of damage. The only reason they get locked first is because they are the 3 best tanks, but there are a lot of good physical and magical carries. Also I see guan yu, ares and hades getting picked up in ranked more and more


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by mellojoe » April 20, 2013 5:14am | Report
^^ Exactly my point.

Balance is pretty good right now. No single god is so OP that it requires being a first-pick.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by nightmare1985 » April 20, 2013 9:53am | Report
Ok now this is a really intersting topic so I gotta get the spot here and do some opinion clash with others :D
lets just make one simple thing clear - theres no OP god... because all comes down to summoners skill and coordination of team.
OP terms come from player's lack of strategy and egoistic overconfident ****heads who likes to play smart***.
Some say Loki is OP ? Lets downline this : LOKI is assasin, 2) he mostyl aim squishy gods or already wounded gods to finish them 3) hes weak and besides invisibility no real escape method
So one will say like this : I cant kill Loki 10 times a row cuz he stab and escape :P ... take Loki's game away from him and you KILLED him without actually killing him- and its this: dont let him near the minions, protect you mage or AD carry and most of all LISTEN- use your ear... whenever you hear PUFF or sound of Loki's 3 that s him near and look at your mage where he is or your AD- thats where Loki will appear and thats where he will die if your team has speed and knowledge.
But many players dont want to get that into tick sculls of theirs they just want kills so they can play a smart *** and say : HEY I CARRIED THE GAME (****** level :30)
Every god who gets fed and starts playing his game is OP ... not Loki, or Baka, or Ne Zha, or Poseidon... killing is meaningless if you lost the game and thats the bottom line.


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