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The Overarching Conquest Guide - Revisions

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Forum » General Discussion » The Overarching Conquest Guide - Revisions 5 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » May 23, 2019 12:23pm | Report
Hi everyone,

Looking for feedback/suggestions/ideas for the Conquest guide. Specifically, I'm thinking about revamping the intro info area for each individual role. I'll also be revisiting and possibly revising/rewording the starting process and game stages, but for now, I want to focus on that intro area.

Right now, the intro part of each role looks like this:

Role Intro Section

At the time of creation, I felt personally brilliant for the concept...who, what, when, where, why, how. But I'm feeling that it's time for a refresh and perhaps a new way to present the general concepts of each role.

This change could be just be a quicker summary, or it could be something more in-depth. Right now, I'm looking for general feedback on how you like the current presentation, and if you have any ideas for improvement.

Here is an example adjusted writeup. One big change here is bringing the strengths/weaknesses into the intro summary, rather than immediately below the god listing.

possible new presentation

Another option might be a quick rating/summary system and a small writeup after it. I would want to keep this consistent with all 5 roles, but not sure what the categories should be...gave an example here...if this is a replacement for the Who/What etc. I'm worried I'm losing too much basic info, though I could cover things a bit more, or in a different way. I have ideas.

Rating system

Anyway, thoughts and ideas are greatly appreciated.

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » May 23, 2019 12:27pm | Report
I don’t like the rating system because there is variety between gods in a class


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » May 23, 2019 1:08pm | Report
That's what I was thinking too, Kriega, as I was thinking of different categories besides those listed and was getting caught up in the variability in gods, and trying to average out or something, which wouldn't be very informative. But I was also just going for a different look to see what it might be like.

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » May 23, 2019 1:09pm | Report
Gonna agree with Kriega the other one is way better. gives more info which is needed since a lot of people will be knew. Also clearer to people who is what.

maybe combine general strategy with the focus. It kinda overlaps. Maybe even try to make all the title parts one section with a good red line. Keep the bullet points to the pros & cons (also slightly repetitive with the focus for adc being both in the pros & cons and).

So pretty much all the green in below pros & cons would become more of a "story" part.

The standard ADC (Attack Damage Carry) looks to use the strength of their basic attacks to provide high, consistent damage output against single enemy gods and objectives. They do this by building Items that focus on increasing basic attack damage output. Items that provide bonus damage (e.g. Qin's Sais, Wind Demon, Deathbringer) are often centerpieces of a build. Important stats are *insert list etc.*
Early game, the main focus is to out-farm and pressure the enemy duo. Getting ahead in gold and XP allows for getting items online earlier, and ADCs are dependent on their items to make their damage viable. As the game progresses and turns to objectives and teamfights, the ADC will usually be the main role in securing / destroying objectives, and outputting high damage to single targets.

I hope you sorta catched what I meant. I would probably switch gameplay with item. As the current guide goes into builds afterwards.

The thing I sorta did was goign a bit back towards how pentar's guide was even though this is already 10x deeper.
Also would suggesto to check sub's ranked guide. maybe something of use.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » May 23, 2019 1:10pm | Report
another thing I noticed is that you placed relics under gameplay even though they fit more at building tbh. maybe something to look at.


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