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The Power of a Tank.

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Forum » General Discussion » The Power of a Tank. 5 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Shavul » February 7, 2014 8:14am | Report
Well, I used to main Athena but I got bored of it. Now, with the new skin, I started playing as her quite often.


Well, last game (I have some bul**** you can't chat with anybody glitch, so it was al V commands) we got some dced people early game. Because of all this, we ended up with bumba's kali and nemesis on our team.

The thing started alright. Our kuang and Vulcan did their thing on their lanes, and I got first blood chasing Sun Wukong, because Nemesis and Kali (both with red pot) charged in.

After that, I ended up soloing, mostly. Nemesis was roaming or dead and Kali quite the same. Then I got my ult. And it started.

Ult somewhere, fight them, kill, chase, kill, ult somewhere else, save my comrades, scare the enemy away, push, ult. I managed to beat Freya 1v1 being full tank. After that no one wanted to be anywhere near me. Not even Nemesis.

I forgot the fun of being a global tank and started playing sobek a lot. But now I remember. I remember everything.

So, people, remember. Don't underestimate a tank. A good one can carry a game more than a fed adc from time to time.

Just wanted to say it somewhere, because I couldn't brag in the lobby because the ****ing glitch.


Remarkable (7)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Setolino » February 7, 2014 8:21am | Report
If you have your shields up, freya cant do **** :D Ye Athena is pretty amazing, if the teammates managed to stay near to the enemy.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Shavul » February 7, 2014 8:25am | Report
Ah, best feeling ever is taunting someone, stay into Kuang's tornadoes and press VEL. And watch that poor bastard think "You ***********er" as he DIES.

I started doing that after I ulted Odin being Odin myself, he stood there, laughed at my blows and then walked away like nothing happened. Pissing off an enemy is something useful sometimes.

I try to be a good sport. Sometimes. Sometimes I just can't help it.


Remarkable (7)
Posts: 236
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Ghraf » February 7, 2014 9:05pm | Report
Just be glad they didn't have a Bakasura to completely ruin your day. Pubs are pretty easy to dominate with tanky gods, which is why Chaac felt so strong for a long time.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Shavul » February 8, 2014 11:48am | Report
Yeah, bakasura eats tanks for breakfast. In fact, bakasura is, in my opinion one of the strongest, if not the strongest, god late game.


Remarkable (7)
Posts: 236

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