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What exactly makes a team comp good?

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Forum » General Discussion » What exactly makes a team comp good? 3 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Irritantventje » August 20, 2016 6:59pm | Report
Hello everyone,

I've been playing smite for a while now and have always wondered what exactly it is that makes a team comp good or bad. Could someone please eleborate?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by GandhiGandhi76 » August 20, 2016 7:56pm | Report
IMHO team comp is fairly subjective. In casual you can make nearly any team work decently. Team skill and cohesion greatly outweighs strong team comp.

That being said, I think that two factors make a "good" team comp.

1) Balance of power:

It's best to have a team that has balanced strengths that can't be shut down by a single god/item. Have a balance between phys & magic damage dealers (don't have a hunter play mid AND a hunter play adc). Don't over-rely on healing (don't pair guan Yu support with Hel mid because curse/beat stick/pestilence/divine ruin will shut down your team fights). Try to pick gods that peak at different times in the game (don't pair Scylla with Kali jungle + some late game hunter or else you're just asking to get steamrolled early game).

Its all about picking gods who have strengths that cover one another's weaknesses.
Which brings me to my next factor that makes a team comp "good"

2) Team combos:

Having a team consisting of gods who's strengths emphasize one another is the other way to improve your team comp. For example, pairing several gods together with a lot of CC ability lets you burn the enemy team's beads faster than they can regen which will net you more kills. Pairing a guardian with a lot of peel (***bha) with a squishy carry with no escape (Artemis) allows that carry to emphasize their strength (throwing a lot of basic attacks out) without having to worry about defensive items like Magi's.

3*) Counter picks:

I include this section as an afterthought. If you're playing ranked, counter picks can make a team comp "good". Sure your team might not consist of all "top-tier" gods, but if you win 2/3 lanes you're in a much better situation to win the game. IE. opposing team picks Bellona for the solo lane-- you pick Tyr who counters Bellona. +1 to team comp for you.

That's my spin on team comp. I'm absolutely open to discussion.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Zilby » August 20, 2016 8:08pm | Report
Mm well it's not quite so black and white. I'll go through a few things.

1) every role is filled. The most obvious point of balance, having a team that fills every role: solo, mid, ADC, support and jungle has a better comp than a team that doesn't.
2) good mix of physical and magical damage. Generally at least 2 of each type is desirable so that a team cannot just build one type of defensive item.
3) good team synergy. Certain gods do well with others eg: awilix + knockups, Ymir + kukulkan to line up his tornadoes and ulti, etc
4) a mix of damage and crowd control. Just damage isn't very good since there's no abilities to line that up or protect your damage dealers. Just crowd control gives you a lot of control but you lack the killing power to eliminate enemy players
5) a mix of ability, and auto attack damage. (Generally harder to counter)
6) a mix of squishies and tanks (generally the same as damage and crowd control, but there are exceptions)

**was writing this as the above reply was posted, all of that is good advice as well
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