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What I think about Xing Tian's Mountain

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Forum » General Discussion » What I think about Xing Tian's Mountain 2 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Trentelligence » October 12, 2016 9:25pm | Report
For those who like Xing Tian's Mountain I would like to say this is a strictly opinion based thread, so please don't wig out for my thoughts. In my opinion Xing Tian's Mountain was a complete disaster. First and foremost I would like to mention that the small fighting area in which the stages take place was not well thought out or designed for player pleasure, or at least I found it to be boring. Secondly the stages seemed so basic compared to what could have been had HiRez put a bit more work into each stage and the battles that would take place. Finally I found that most stages were a bit to much for those who were not aware of how to play the game, so definitely dumb it down; so randoms don't ruin the chance for the seasoned players to make it to high rounds. Like I said this is all opinion based critique so please don't wig out.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » October 13, 2016 10:26am | Report
Hey Trent, in a different thread, I detailed what we did to get past level 25...we did it twice, with 2 similar groups of people in a 5 man, in one night.

At first I was super excited about playing that mode, and playing in a 5 man was fun...but we barely spent an hour on it, and after we beat it, I was over it. We only did it a second time to get a couple more people the achievement.

In a 5 man with us all in Curse chat (and Ducks coordinating targets), it was extremely easy overall. I can only imagine trying to solo queue with others that probably don't know exactly what needs to be done in each fight. Chaos, I'm sure.

And as such, yeah, once we did it...I never felt the need to play it again. It's nice that HR is willing to experiment with these types of things, and maybe they'll use this as a learning experience to create better PvE modes in the future. This definitely has its faults, but good on them for trying at all.

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