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Whats a good Arena tier list?

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Forum » General Discussion » Whats a good Arena tier list? 7 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by iReauxbot » June 15, 2016 5:24pm | Report
Arena is one of the funnest modes right next Conquest in my opinion, as its also a big reason why a lot of people play Smite. Not a mode to be taken all that serious and also helps you work on your team fighting skills and choice.

That being said the Conquest tier list seems to throw off a lot of people in terms of other modes. My friends and other players will always assume that Gods placed in lower tier suck
Ex: Ah Muzen Cab or Nox

Anyways, Im wondering what anyones opinions are on where some characters stand outside of Conquest.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » June 15, 2016 5:33pm | Report
Dude check my arena guide. I have my own personal tier list with explanations within it.

Edit... I do need to do a minor update on the list. But I think most things are generally accurate as to my own opinion. It has also been shaped to some degree by others inputs as well.

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by iReauxbot » June 15, 2016 5:45pm | Report
Awesome, I didnt know a lot of people who actually are main posters on here even play Arena. From what I read a lot of em hate Arena.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » June 15, 2016 5:53pm | Report
Well Zilby doesn't like Arena. I am playing a wider variety of modes now than I ever have and bullfrog ggf Ferrum and maybe prism all don't mind Arena. Sorry about any grammatical errors as I am using voice recognition witches infamous 4 funny errors just ask prism.

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Zilby » June 15, 2016 6:02pm | Report
To be fair I don't hate arena, I just like every mode (except maybe clash) more. Tbh though, most gods can be played in Arena and do well if only because people don't tend to take the gametype as seriously as others. Sort of like Siege (albeit there is a siege tier list I believe), unless there's a ranked mode you can really get away with playing any character.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Bullfrog323 » June 16, 2016 6:49am | Report
I used to prefer Arena over all other modes.
But the with Season 3 changes, mainly to the relics, Arena is just a mess now.

I mean, yes Arena has neven been balanced (and I realize it more now that I am playing Conquest), but now, it's just broken.
Greater Purification / Greater Aegis / Combat Blink used to be your main defensive options to survive the brawl.
All of these are gone now, so every CC means a death, and CC reduction doesn't help much.

That's why Arena tier list is mostly based on CC, escape and CC immunity in the god kit more than anything else.

Add to the fact that every the new gods have overloaded kit, they are usually top tier in Arena.
Still have in mind that match with the reworked Ratatoskr who went 15-2-7 using a full defensive build ... legit.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » June 19, 2016 12:39pm | Report
I'm the one who hated arena. Mostly because my team is always trying to do things like 1v5 don't know the importance of minions etc. And for saome reason a lot of people are very toxic (trench tier arena is probably where I am)

Only times I like it is when not Solo queueing (which I don't like at all anymore)


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