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Why did you choose SMITE

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Forum » General Discussion » Why did you choose SMITE 5 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by shymuy » February 24, 2017 6:20am | Report
Hello community

Today im starting this thread about why we choose smite to our main moba or main game!
To some is just a question, for others is more than a simple question.

I thank you in advance for those who will contribute in this thread and share with the community the reason of this choice, and request from you community to keep this thread clean and enjoyable for all!

Best Regards
Nuno "Shymuy" Ferreira


Posts: 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by shymuy » February 24, 2017 6:21am | Report
I will start with me.

Why did i choose SMITE for my Main Game and my Main Moba!

My First Moba

Smite was my first MOBA game.
Have read about LoL and some other games MOBAs to, and tried it, but never got the mouse and click point in a moba, maybe because i get used to mouse and click in strategy games only?

Smite Environment

Then when smite appeared i gave it a try!
Was wonderfull think in a closed map, arena, conquest or other game mode, play with other players and fight against other players in third person view! Was really the big turn for MOBAs in my opinion!

Then, the game it self environment!
Champions? Warriors? Heroes? Nooooo. GODS
Smite goes much further when we see the GODS environment!
Thats one thing who got my love on SMITE hirez studios got deep in mythology to bring us this GOD thing!

The GODS LORE how the skills fit any god lore, the skill names, the roles on each god.
Everything is in tune.

Without SMITE any of you knew that there were so many gods?
I dont. I knew the roman ones, some of hindu, greek gods, but didnt have any ideia about chinese mythology for example.

Smite game modes

I dont run much about arena or assault mode.
I really like to keep in the most Competitive modes Joust and Conquest!
But even the event modes are just amazing when they bring it to us, and why?
Because is not just an event, is based on GODs lore and GODs are choosen with the most they fit or are countered!

Smite Community

Smite community contributes for this great game. Like any other community (moba, rts, mmorpg, fps) allways have some poison, but our community is not that bad at all!
I really hate when ina middle of conquest or joust we have team mates who are less experienced than us, but we can and we should help them out. Is not a easy thing, most of them dont care about what we share or say to try save the match, others are humble and sincere and really try hard to help the team mates!

But we are not a bad community at all!

This is why SMITE is my main game, and my main moba!

Give it a try and share with us!

Best Regards
Nuno "Shymuy" Ferreira


Posts: 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by CirclesAreRound » February 24, 2017 7:01am | Report
I was really bored one day and decided to look into the free games on Xbox. I was scrolling through them and found this game called smite. So I downloaded it and played it for a couple hours, I instantly fell in love with it. I was always looking fora moba to play on console. And that's pretty much the whole story. Smite is the main game I play now and I dumped 300$ into the game. I regret nothing.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Papa Murmz » February 24, 2017 9:22am | Report
SMITE was the first MOBA I have ever played and is still the only MOBA I've ever played. As a Console player, the options of quality MOBA's is limited.

I did dip a bit into Vainglory for iOS when it first came out, but that didn't last long due to my Ping always being outrageously high.

Anyways, I first discovered SMITE when my buddy told me to download it so we could play Xbox together. This was a little after the beginning of Season 3 around February 2016.

SMITE is certainly my main MOBA, but Rainbow Six Siege takes the cake as my Main Game.

XB1 GT: MuRmZii

Papa Murmz

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » February 24, 2017 12:02pm | Report
SMITE is the first MOBA that I ever really delved into, and it remains that way to this day. That said, I had some previous earliest was a game called Herzog Zwei on Sega Genesis...had some similarities in gameplay to how MOBAs developed.

I used to play a lot of Starcraft and Warcraft back in the day with friends...knew about the DotA mod of W3, and I think I may have tried it, but I don't remember. It had sounded interesting to me, but I never ended up getting into it.

Down the line, I don't know how/why I got it, but I tried a few hours of Demigod and Heroes of Newerth, but again, just not something that really kept hold of me.

My nephew was the one that told me about SMITE and asked me to play it with him...this was nearing the end of Season 1. He started me out on the Assault map, which he was playing the most at the time, though I did play a couple of Conquest matches as well. I stuck with Assault for the first year or so, slowly branched out to Arena, then continued to expand to the point I like and am generally comfortable with all modes now.

SMITE did what a lot of other MOBAs to that point never did...made it more of an action game. That DotA/LoL isometric view is too Diablo/Starcraft-y to me, and just wasn't very appealing. Concept is also cool with the use of gods rather than completely made-up characters, but I've never been a huge one for history or mythology.

I'm confident this is my most played game in my life, though I don't have the numbers to back it up. I did spend a lot of time over the years with Everquest and WoW, as well as Guild Wars 2. But if you add the time I've spent on this game, from OUTSIDE the game (here, basically, with time spent writing guides as well), then it should be absolutely no contest.

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