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Why I think Ah Muzen Cab is overpowered, just my opinion.

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Forum » General Discussion » Why I think Ah Muzen Cab is overpowered, just my opinion. 11 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Soldonspot » November 8, 2013 12:54am | Report
So Smite just got a god hero called Ah Muzen Cab, The God of Bees. I've been spending some time playing him the last few hours and I like him a lot, that being said almost every game I play with him people call out OP after the game has been won, but before we go on yelling out OP because new, let me try to demenstrate why I think he is his Hive and passive.

(Hive) Reason hive is quite imbalanced is, it's insane low Cooldown(8s) and for that reason people don't really get there satisfaction from killing the hive when they are in heavy combat because that just gives me the time to do my auto attack burst and applying bees/slow and swarm on the target.(and put another Hive up) So basically AHC always has 50% movement speed and 40% attack speed.

Making him the fastest auto attack god in game (I think) even more so then Artemis. Because, Art's Vengful ***ult only gives him 75% Attack speed for 5.5s at max level while the Cd is 14s. AMC hive is on only 8s and will be reapplied instantly when the hive dies if you just have another hive ready close by. I also think AMC is now the fastest god in the game because hive. yeah **** you mercuary take in notice That art only gets 20% speed and that's his only escape.. and AMC get 30% more(50%) and its all the time basically. forgot to mention it's insane low mana cost 35 lowest level and at max 55.

(Passive) I find his passive to be kinda strong(strongest in game maybe) his bees is almost always applied during combat without much effort at all to be honest, It does 10 Dpt + 15% PP every .5s for 3s thats crazy amount of damage as passive.

Reason why I think its strongest in game is because people talked about Agni's passive being the strongest some time ago, when If I compare it to AMC. 5DPT + 10%MP every .5s for 3s, I know Magical power is easier bought and there for it does more damage. but Its only applied after 4 auto attacks and applying this on an enemy takes more effort then with AMC, that's making his passive ability do more damage then a magical hero, he is a hunter right?

(Swarm) Does 280 damage + 80% PP fairly regular for a god to have that kind of ability to farm (specially good since he is a hunter) just comparing him to apollo's so beautiful does 300 damage + 80 PP which is more then AMC, but Swarm also applies passive doing the least around 60 damage(not counting physical power) That makes his ability do 340 damage. thats 40 more then apollo. and If i'd add both 15% phycial power and 80% physical power to both abilities it would be a lot more, both scaling better then apollo's So beautiful late game but is also much easier to apply then SB since it got larger radios.

(Honey) Awesome ability and fun to use can't really compare it to any ability since its kinda a unique in a way. (but just want to add that the tool tip doesn't say how long it lasts tho)

if I would compare it to any other ability then it would be Posidon's whirlpool (both slow and do damage) Whirlpool does 55MD + 15% MP every .5 for 3 sec I went to practice mode and checked out how long AHC honey works and it seems to be lasting 6s. doing 60 physical damage +15%PP every .5s and slowing 30% (posidon's whirlpools tool tip doesn't show how much slow it applies) taking into factor that Whirlpool is a lot bigger and easier to hit that, AMC honey is just better.

You control were it goes for like 1.5s (not sure how long) and you can apply it on the road so its makes it impossible to try to run after you because both 30% slow and the damage is often way to much to risk going into, btw Honey applies passive if hive is near by (which is always) it does that extra 60 damage aswell (least). posidon doing full damage at 330 (not counting MP) AMC Honey doing 720 if stayed into the whole time + passive another 60 that's 780, more then 2x much as posidons whirlpool. (btw i'm not 100% sure if this is all counted right so please correct me if i'm wrong).

Comparing this to Posidon's Whirlpool wasn't the smartest since it doesn't slow it pulls but the tool tip should say how much it pulls in movement speed or something similar.

(Stinger) 595 PD + 100% PP 70 radius applies bees + extra 60 damage the least... 90s cd. (will most of the time when used right be 16s sometime it's bugged and appiers at 4s.) comparing it to Arachne's Cocoon 300PD + 50% PP 30s cd. 1s stun. 70 radius (traveling trough walls and pulls them to you.)

Stinger is much easier to hit then Cocoon since he can move while casting while arachne stops. I was going to go more into Stinger as well but Doesn't seem to be needed does it.

Ah Muzen Cab is basically just doing more damage then any other mage/hunter/Assassin god with similiar abilities. just wanted to share my opinions on him after playing him 10-20 times. He should have been imported weaker in my opinion. a lot weaker.

fun to say but I was going to start a thread Called Why Ah Muzen Cab Isn't OP, but then I kinda looked into it haaha.

Just want to add that I find him extremely fun and his abilities unique from other gods, I love him and I wouldn't want him to be changed just scaled better into Smite.

I feel like no one is going to read this anyway so i'm just going to mail it to Hirez and try to put notice into this.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » November 8, 2013 1:39am | Report
God not hero ^_^
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Soldonspot » November 8, 2013 2:06am | Report
heehe fixed I think everywere :D! I played heroes of newearth for about 3-4 years and dota aswell so :) you wonder why i'm still getting used to calling them "gods"


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » November 8, 2013 3:55am | Report
Soldonspot wrote:

heehe fixed I think everywere :D! I played heroes of newearth for about 3-4 years and dota aswell so :) you wonder why i'm still getting used to calling them "gods"

It's ok i suspected it would be something like that. Its just that for some reason my brain forces me to point it out or it will bother me for the whole day.
never forget dawngate and never forgive EA. Freia will hunt them for eternity.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by antarian » November 8, 2013 4:48am | Report
ah muzen cab is exteremely OP but if nothing else I will try to pick it as soon as possible and play it until I can :-DDDDD


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by antarian » November 8, 2013 4:51am | Report
btw .... I use just hive and sometimes something else but the damage from autoattack and insane attack speed is better than damage from skills :-) (sometime I use slow - honey or fire aoe just to apply bees :-))) )

I feeeel like moving machine gun and whats the best your movement speed is extreeeemely good :-)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by HeinzMcDurgen » November 8, 2013 8:59am | Report
Something you forgot to mention was that the hives also HEAL him. For a "Hunter" I feel like he is pretty stout. I was playing a game against him (surprise surprise... has anyone played a game without him in it the past 2 days?) and as Freya (who we all can agree can dish it out) I hit him with 4 ranged auto attacks (60 md + 20% mp) AND 3/4 ult shots at level 12 (he was 14) and he didn't even turn around and engage me in a team fight.


Because the dude still had like 3/4 of his life. I seriously landed and ran off in disgust.

A lot of people talked about how Sun Wukong was OP and I feel like they took their time in getting his stuff right... or closer at least. With him and AMC the guys over at Hi Res were just like "Lets just give these next couple gods everything we can think of!" I really wish instead of pumping out new gods that are OP and have ridiculous they would just rework some of the older gods and give them comparable abilities.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by JararoNatsu » November 8, 2013 9:06am | Report
I will admit, he is extremely strong, but there are a couple points that justify the large damage-dealing potential that he has.

1. He has the movement speed and attack speed bonuses from creating Hives, certainly, but he also has no viable form of escape whatsoever. The heal from Hives is not enough to protect him from a full-fledged gank, or at the least a 2v1. This gives him a huge disadvantage from the other Hunters (excluding Artemis) who have some sort of dash or leap (or a backflip, if you're the *****).

2. He requires combos to achieve his damage potential. Simply dropping Swarm is viable, certainly, but if you drop Honey first then you also get the damage from that, as well as the damage from Swarm as well as Bees!

3. His mana usage is absurd. I have never seen a more mana-hungry God in this game. I think that this was an attempt to balance him along with the combo mechanics built into his kit. You can deal a lot of damage, but unless you kill the enemy you are left with most of your mana gone.

4. His Stinger is not always that easy to use. If an enemy is being dumb and running in a straight line, then yes it is easy to shoot them in the face. But if not, and you lose the stinger, then you're stuck without the Ultimate for a considerable amount of time, even with CDR. Also, if you hit the enemy with the stinger and it drops in the middle of the enemy team... what are you gonna do?

Now, there are some Pros that do suggest that he is very powerful, yes, and I can go into those later. I have plans for this little bee but I want to see what Hi-Rez does in the next few patches.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by SuperTibzz » November 8, 2013 12:40pm | Report
The hives ARE a viable form of escape. They give you a move speed bonus and heal you--not enough to turn a 2v1 in your favor, but very helpful when running away from a 2v1, most certainly. Any AMC is going to have a chain of them going back to safety. The disadvantage compared to a leap is that he can't hop out of a Hades ult or w/e, but being crippled or silenced doesn't screw him as much as someone with a leap either, since he will already have his hives in place.

My problem with him is those hives. They have a huge range, cannot be sniped with abilities (so they are not practical to kill during a fight, esp. not for melee gods), he can plant a ton of them to form a chain (or a web of them in the jungle), and they give him 3 different buffs. Really they need to give move, attack speed, AND heal? Considering how easy they are to have in play all the time that's too much.

I'm not a fan of his ult either. Ok so you didn't pick your stinger up, now you have..... the same ult CD as everyone else. How terrible. Meanwhile you will certainly be able to get it back in chase/gank situations, which is a good portion of situations where you would pop it. This might be ok if it didn't also cripple for 3 seconds but well guess what it does. Seems a bit much.

I'm hoping for a nerf bat soon.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by RazeMage » November 8, 2013 4:09pm | Report
I think he isn't that OP. He is good where he is


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