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worst trolling I have ever seen

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Forum » General Discussion » worst trolling I have ever seen 4 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DaisySniper » April 30, 2014 4:16pm | Report
I met someone, I was bored and decided to play coop. (Im also impatient)

A guy tried to troll me but fail so hard it was so sad. He tried to do the "im gonna report you for kill stealing" even though hes higher level then me and I have not been stealing any kills from him (maybe like one time) Note he type rather good english. Then I told him your really bad at trolling make it too easy to tell. Then he trys say "I don't speak english" in perfect grammer and then he says. "I speak french" then I say... "Then speak some...." then he says "I can't" I just started to laugh how bad he was at trolling. Then he just stop talking after telling him. He using the most generic ways of trolling not even good at it. Funny thing proubly was a kid cause he would abuse the hell out of caps.

I just find it just so sad and funny when people just troll so bad.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by WatchfulShadow » April 30, 2014 6:32pm | Report
The word 'troll' has been completely out of context for so long, people don't know the difference between trolling and being an idiot. I've always hated the term 'trolling' and the whole idea of it anyway.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DaisySniper » April 30, 2014 9:05pm | Report

The word 'troll' has been completely out of context for so long, people don't know the difference between trolling and being an idiot. I've always hated the term 'trolling' and the whole idea of it anyway.

thats a good term to put on this guy


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Posts: 91
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Ninja Trigger » April 30, 2014 10:09pm | Report
yeah legit trolling is dying out due to little kids and stupid collage guys attempting to act like VideoGameDunkey or some other youtube personalty every game.

Real trolling is an art form. With only a few masters, the guy you got was a grade A idiot. Just Mute, report if necessary and move on.
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Ninja Trigger

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