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perses titan of destruction

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Forum » God & Item Ideas » perses titan of destruction 3 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by the inventor » September 25, 2017 9:41am | Report
perses is a titan of destruction should look like a muscled man with a dark armor with a axe

pantheon: greek
role: warrior/mage

warrior abillities
perses cut with his axe and gets closer to level up with each minions kills

first abillity: dark swing
perses swing his axe in circle with shadow like coming out of the axe deal 150

second abillity: dark axe
perses throw his axe at a zone and gets more mana from the minion/enemey/beasts at the area he get 15 mana each second from each enemy and 5 mana from each minion

third abillity: earth shaterer
perses take his axe and slam it into the ground and deal for every god 200 damage
ultimate: apocalypse
perses explode with darkness that stunn every enemy and deals 600 damage

the inventor

Notable (1)
Posts: 5
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Authorize » September 26, 2017 11:17pm | Report
So his passive is.. gets exp when killing minions?

Interesting idea though. I'm not sure if Titans are allowed in a god battle though ;)


Notable (1)
Posts: 50
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » September 27, 2017 6:42am | Report
well medusa isn't a god either.

sad that this idea is so unfinished.

also the passive can get really strong if you're good at last hitting depending on the exp you will gain extra.


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