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Phobos, God of Fear (God Idea)

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Forum » God & Item Ideas » Phobos, God of Fear (God Idea) 9 posts - page 1 of 1

Poll Question:

Is Phobos...
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by PJsutnop » November 26, 2014 8:06am | Report

Phobos, The God of Fear


Hey everyone, I’m PJsutnop and this is my very first god concept. So with that said please be nice! I know there will be bad numbers and a lot of misspelling, but I’m gonna try my best and as I’m not english try to atleast write something people can read and understand.
I’m happy for any constructive feedback you can give, both bad and good, as this very likely will be a work in progress, ever changing until it has reached a point where it’s good enough.

Note: It’s hard for me to get the info on range and speed of abilities, so for those I’m unable to get certain numbers on I just put in an already existing ability for comparision

Look wise I thought that something similiar to this picture would work, but darker. Most of all he wouldn't have a helmet for the reason of showing the Black Mane-like hair.


The threat of an incoming attack, as blood is spilled on the fields of war, can make even the strongest of mortals shiver. All fear death, as thee who don’t have nothing to live for. Fear is what keeps us away from the dangers in this world, as well as keeping us on our toes as we know nothing is safe. He will find you anywhere, in the darkest of nights, the deepest of jungles, behind the toughest of armor and strongest of weapons. He’s always there, lingering in your shadow, waiting for the moment to strike as your defenses are at it’s lowest.

Phobos, son of the war-god Ares, and the love-god aphrodite, is the very personification of fear. Together with his twin brother Deimos, the god of terror, he ventures into battles at the side of his father, bringing chaos to the scene of war. But neither Phobos nor Deimos have a body of their own. Instead they choose a body which fits their image of fear and terror. Phobos was known to often look a like his father, a dark warrior with the marks of countless fights, tho with the hair similar to a black lion and eyes burning with the flames of the underworld. In the end, it’s not his sight that strike fear in the hearts of men, but the pure presence of him, so a body is not needed, as none lives to see it.

Years have gone by and the mortals of earth have found a road to harmony. Long have gone since the world have felt pure terror in masses, and the fear of phobos is lower than ever before. The powers which he once had have been beaten down by dreams of peace. But now when the fights have advanced to the battlefield of smite, he can feel his powers rising. Together with his brother Deimos, he’ve readied a body that strikes fear in even immortals. Now he will show those who fear not, that none is safe in the hands of terror. But first, these immortals has to be taught a lesson. A lesson that will have them fear ever fighting again.

Health:475 (+82/2115)
Mana: 200 (+40/2000)

Progression: 1/0.75/0.75/1.5 Damage and swing time
Basic attack damage: 39 +2.2 (+100% of your physical power)

Speed: 375
Attack Speed: 1 (+0.017/1.34)

Physical Defense: 17 (+3)
Magical Defense: 30 ( +0.9)


Passive: Mark Of Terror:
Phobos’s twin brother Deimos puts a Mark of Terror on the god with the highest total XP gained on the enemy team, giving Phobos additional critical chance and penetration against that god, while also revealing him on the map. All Phobos’s abilities will also have additional effects against a marked target. A mark will only be put if Phobos’s Ultimate, Unleash the Terror, is off cooldown.
Penetration: 10 +1 per lvl
Critical Chance: 10 +1 per lvl

1: Daunting Dash:
Phobos dashes forward, Dealing damage and piercing through minions and stopping at the first god hit, stunning him for 1 second. If the god hit is Marked by Terror the cooldown of your next Daunting Dash will be halved.
Damage: 60/90/120/150/180 (+50% of your Physical Power)
Cost: 50/60/70/80/90
Stun Duration: 1s
Range/Speed: 55 feet/ same speed as Athenas Preemtive Strike
Cooldown: 10 seconds

2: Horrifying Scream:
Phobos screams a powerfull cry which fears all gods in a 25 foot radius for 1/1.2/1.5/1.7/2.0 seconds. If a enemy god Marked by Terror is within a 100 foot Radius of phobos that god will be blinded, gradually reducing his line of sight before going back to normal.
Note: Phobos will stand still for 0.5s while his scream animation goes on, pretty much like with ymirs stun.
Cost: 70
Fear Duration: 1/1.2/1.5/1.7/2.0
Blind Radius: 65 foot Radius -10 feet every 0.5 seconds over 3 seconds
Cooldown: 15 seconds

3: Impale:
Phobos Impales the enemy, dealing damage and applying a bleed. Enemy gods marked by Terror will be gradually slowed for every tick of the bleed.
Damage on hit: 120/150/180/210/250 (+70% of your Physical Power)
Cost: 60/65/70/75/80
Bleed Damage: 10/15/20/25/30 (+20% of your Physical Power) every 0.5 seconds
Bleed Duration: 3.0 seconds
Slow: 15% every tick.
Range: Melee Range
Cooldown: 12 seconds

4: Unleash the Terror:
Phobos Unleashes Deimos power of terror, marking all gods on the enemy team while gaining increased movement speed. If you kill an enemy god under the duration of this ability, the timer will be reset.
Cost: 60/70/80/90/100
Movement Speed Increase: 15%/20%/25%/30%/35%
Duration: 4/4.5/5/5.5/6
Cooldown: 90 seconds


When thinking about Phobos's playstyle I wanted to make his kit synergise with the feeling of fear, not just some cc, but actual fear in the enemy players. Therefor I gave him the ability to see one target, that target being the most fed up, anywhere on the map. This makes just picking Phobos an advantage as you very likely will reduce the amount of ganks from the opposing mid, solo or jungler (as they very often are the ones with the highest xp). This, added up with his many controll abilities, makes him a utility assasin able to scare away a dangerous foe from ruining the game, or maybe even shut him down.

With this said, his damage is based around being mediocre against normaly fed gods, but realy strong against either weak ot fed up gods, making him a possible anti carry - assasin. His main source of damage comes from basic attacks and his abilities are all mostly utility based.

Now let's look at my thoughts on the abilities

Daunting Dash: As most assasins, he needs mobility. This low cooldown dash represents the way fear can come and go in seconds, immobilising you in chock. The ability to dash in and get some free hits, or his 3, can be an amazing tool for getting kills in todays very mobile meta. Either it's to get out of a tricky situation, chase an fleeing enemy or just to stun a foe to secure a kill. With full cd this ability will have a 6s cooldown, which means that he'll have a 3s cooldown against marked gods. A 3s stun thats also a dash! Yea sounds op right? Then you remember the fact that it's agasint only one target on the map, and against everyone else it's 6s.

Horrifying Scream: I couldn't make a phobos without a fear, so here it is. It's a smaller verision of hun batz ult that effects targets around you. At max rank 2s might sound like a lot, but remember that he has to channel it for 0.5s before being able to either run or get some hits in. His passive effect tho is what makes this ability so much fun imo. The blind it puts on the enemy god will over a period of time close in on them, leaving them with only 5 feet vision in the last 0.5s! Not only that but as you have to be in a 100 foot radius of Phobos in order to be effected it can be used to either make an enemy panic, or scare them away from ganking a friend. It could also be used before initiating in order to lower the risk of being countered by ranged gods.

Impale: Oh man this i the one I fear is the most op. THe damage it deals is good and all, but hopefully not over the line. The interesting part tho is the slow it will put on a foe thats marked, reducing their movement speed over time. So basicly in the beginning he'll move normaly but as time goes by he'll get slower and slower untill the last seconds where he'll be slowed by 90%!. At that point you'll be a sitting duck for 0.5s. Have fun with that when he has a 3s dash!

Unleash the Terror: Ah, the ultimate. At first glance you might say it's nothing but a movement steroid with extra crit and pen. Not much of a ultimate am I right? But then remember that under the duration, all of the enemy teams gods will be marked by your passive, giving you the ability to locate everyone on the map and gain the extra effects on your abilities against all of them. Without this ult phobos would be nothing in a team fight, but with it hes able to go in and, if used right, dash from target to target untill he got enough kills to be satisfied. It could very well also be used as a warning mechanism when you fight f.ex the fg.

So yea. Tell me what you think, this is as I said my first god concept and the first time I've used BBC coding so any feedback would be highly approciated. Also feel free to tell me what could possible be changed about him, and if you voted in the poll, what makes him the way you voted.

- PJsutnop


Posts: 12
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by necroshadow » November 26, 2014 9:02am | Report
it sounds like a cool idea but yeah 90% speed reduction does sound quite powerful even if its only on 1 god but then put in the effects of the ult and you could eradicate groups of gods with ease as long as you had some back up. so yeah great idea and keep up the good work.


Notable (4)
Posts: 98
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Bananapieknight1 » November 28, 2014 11:50pm | Report
this is a bad *** idea


Posts: 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Aphnex » November 29, 2014 1:21am | Report
Wow, I must say this excellently done! I thoroughly enjoy reading the lore ans the abilities match the God perfectly. This is an amazing God idea.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by PJsutnop » December 2, 2014 12:29am | Report
Thanks everyone! :3

I'm thinking about doing an other idea for one of my fav norse godesses, syn, as it's realy a lot of fun doing these. The great feedback help a lot.


Posts: 12
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Waaaayne » April 2, 2015 1:03pm | Report
tghat's all i have to say is Y***S


Posts: 5
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Waaaayne » April 2, 2015 1:03pm | Report
tghat's all i have to say is Y***S


Posts: 5
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Demedichi » June 10, 2015 1:04pm | Report
I know this is probably like 7 months late or something, but I personally think the god is very balanced and very well done with the exception of the 3. I think the way to balance it would be to make the slow scale at a different rate and maybe be increased by level up. Maybe something like...
4.25%/5.5%/6.75%/8% (at the end of the 3 sec; 24.75%/33%/40.5%/48%)
This would make it a nice gradual slow that is not too strong, but not weak either and it doesn't make victim player go, "OMG THREE SO OP!!!"

I would love if you would link me ur next god idea if you see this and have posted them. Really nice job.


Notable (1)
Posts: 4
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Demedichi » June 10, 2015 1:04pm | Report
I know this is probably like 7 months late or something, but I personally think the god is very balanced and very well done with the exception of the 3. I think the way to balance it would be to make the slow scale at a different rate and maybe be increased by level up. Maybe something like...
4.25%/5.5%/6.75%/8% (at the end of the 3 sec; 24.75%/33%/40.5%/48%)
This would make it a nice gradual slow that is not too strong, but not weak either and it doesn't make victim player go, "OMG THREE SO OP!!!"

I would love if you would link me ur next god idea if you see this and have posted them. Really nice job.


Notable (1)
Posts: 4

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