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Captain Barrett YouTuber

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Forum » Introductions & Matchmaking » Captain Barrett YouTuber 2 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BarrettSmite » March 27, 2018 12:34pm | Report
Hey Smite Community I am Known as CptBarrett. Im here because I recently started playing Smite and I love it I picked up some unique tricks I can share with you guys. I mainly do Solo but very good at Carry and mid. If you guys would please Subscribe to my Youtube channel and show me some support then ill Upload my First Solo Tutorial For Conquest. I took a time out to figure out why I want to do youtube and what game. Smite is so fun and I want to share my Knowledge with you and hopefully see you in my games. Nice to be on the Forum.



Posts: 7
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by FaTaLiTyFiReFly » May 3, 2018 2:49pm | Report
Hey Barrett,

It might be taboo for me to respond to your month+ old post but I wanted to ask you if you could add a link to your Youtube channel in the post to make it easier for us to find?

(Good luck with your Youtube career!)
why does wukong look so much different now?


Prominent (25)
Posts: 781

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