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Competitive gaming community recruitment

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Forum » Introductions & Matchmaking » Competitive gaming community recruitment 2 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Doomsday_Machine » November 25, 2013 6:34pm | Report

I would like to start a competitive gaming community, here are some of the requirement:

1. No "new player" or smurf accounts.
2. Must be currently ranked silver or be ranked silver next season.
3. Have a teamplayer mentality.
4. Have a microphone (preferrably a headseat) and use raidcall.
5. Be mature, polite and not rage too often. Prefer not to curse much either.
6. Must play the game very often, preferrably daily and multiple hours a day.
7. NA only.

Please PM me or reply to post if you are interested, I will do an short interview and explain more to those interested, ofc must be willing to eventually participate in competitive matches. Looking to have 10 people so we do team vs team practices.


Notable (1)
Posts: 11
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by RaraJacome » November 25, 2013 9:07pm | Report
I Am Willing to Join i Had a clan but there were only about 2 players active (Counting my self) I Am Pretty Good at middle lane and i also Have not started playing leagues yet My Favorite God is AO I Used to play for fun but now i am wanting to take my game to a new level and play with better people to get better i hope i can add you in game so we can talk when you log on and i also play a little solo lane if the team needs me to I use to have a bad k/d like 4/7 but now i have changed it to a 5/5 type k/d
IGN - OneVoneMeBrah


Posts: 35

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