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Forum » Introductions & Matchmaking » UK N00B 2 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by assured_logic0 » June 21, 2021 8:29am | Report

So I'm new to Smite, I'm awful, but loving the game and what I'm learning!

I currently play on PS5, looking for others (pref from the UK/EU time zones) to give me a hand learning the game properly, feel free to add me, my PS5 is assured_logic0

At the min I'm playing as Thor for the most 👍

Looking forward to learning and playing Smite with whoever is up for it!


Posts: 3
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » June 21, 2021 9:40am | Report
Hey Logic,

Welcome to the site!

For general questions or if you're looking for in-depth info, you're welcome to ask here. For more of a conversation style, try joining our Discord and chatting with us there.

Some references that might help you as well:
  • My Conquest guide: Can give you the basics of the main game mode in a general sense, and also provides info on each role.

  • Jungle builds: You mentioned you mainly are learning Thor right now. Standard builds for him can be found here, as well as for all other gods often played in the Jungle.

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