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2015/2016 player returning, and confused!

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Forum » Mentoring » 2015/2016 player returning, and confused! 5 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Peebs » July 31, 2023 11:41am | Report

i have decided to give Smite another try after around 8 years, did always enjoy it back in the day, just life stuff got in the way. I remember I used to play jungle and support, and whilst I am slowly adapting to jungle again, support is a struggle I don't get jung and my biggest issue (since 2016 also) is building my loadout as there seems to be an endless list of possibilities.

If anyone has advice, info, or would like to show me/ mentor me, I would greatly appreciate your help!



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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » July 31, 2023 12:49pm | Report
Hey Peebs,

Welcome back to SMITE!

Let us know what specific areas you'd like info / suggestions on, and we should be able to help.

Different gods will typically be built differently, so let us know which one(s) you are looking to play and we can also suggest general builds.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Peebs » August 1, 2023 6:56pm | Report
Branmuffin17 wrote:

Hey Peebs,

Welcome back to SMITE!

Let us know what specific areas you'd like info/suggestions on, and we should be able to help.

Different gods will typically be built differently, so let us know which one(s) you are looking to play and we can also suggest general builds.

Hi bud,

so for me, it's just the number of items to pick/ what should come first, what should typically be built for the jungle? I know ofc dam pen crit etc and I recognize all the old items, but newer ones? idk. do I have to build differently for magic attacks? I have also struggled counter building since back then since I have ADHD it's just impossible to keep up with everyone's items. been playing rat like i used to so what would be a good like atk speed/crit build i could try?


Posts: 4
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » August 1, 2023 9:59pm | Report
Here ya go...check Myst's guide out:

The crit build is down just a ways. That should work for now.

While I haven't updated since the beginning of this new season, there are some general things you can take from my Conquest guide as well: Check out the Jungle section, there's a part talking about starters etc. that might help.

So a lot of things have definitely changed since you've been gone. Tons of new items, old items retired, etc. Some main points:
  • In Conquest and most other modes outside of Joust, you've got multiple starter item options, all of which have 2 upgrades for a reasonable price once you hit a certain level. For Jungle, you have 3 starters meant for that role... Bumba's Dagger, Eye Of The Jungle, and Manikin Scepter. Right now, I think only the first 2 are typically used. For Rat going crit, you can see that Myst recommends Eye Of The Jungle, and at level 20 you'd upgrade it to Protector Of The Jungle.

  • There's a "popular" tab in the shop, and many of the items listed there are functional, if you don't want to follow a specific build. It's hard to describe how you'd learn which items you'd consider early, and which late, and how to counter-build, because it's all dependent on matchup and there are a lot of options.

  • In a support role, the popular starters are Sentinel's Gift (usually upgrading into Sentinel's Embrace), or Benevolence (usually upgrading into Compassion). If you play a non-Guardian/Warrior support (e.g. mage support like Nox or Baron Samedi), you have the option of grabbing Protector's Mask and upgrading to Lono's Mask. The support starters are the only ones that you can level up at level 15...all others are at level 20. The support starter not mentioned is War Flag.
For now, keep checking/asking for specific gods/roles and we can point out a guide or recommend you keep playing and refamiliarizing yourself, you'll start remembering items and what they do.

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ElLobezno » August 2, 2023 7:34am | Report
Peebs wrote:


i have decided to give Smite another try after around 8 years, did always enjoy it back in the day, just life stuff got in the way. I remember I used to play jungle and support, and whilst I am slowly adapting to jungle again, support is a struggle I don't get jung and my biggest issue (since 2016 also) is building my loadout as there seems to be an endless list of possibilities.

If anyone has advice, info, or would like to show me/ mentor me, I would greatly appreciate your help!


Welcome back!

8 years now... damn, well a lot has changed since then, no more boots, no more invades, no more HOG, nothing. Obviously there's a lot more that has changed but that's maybe what it's most impactful right now as a jungler

About builds right now, there's plenty of good items to choose and like Branmuffin17 said, there's a few starters that must be in any jungle build. In terms of items, Jotunn's Wrath/ Transcendence still the best first items for skill-based junglers like Thor/ Susano and Golden Blade being the best first item for AA-junglers like Kali/ Bakasura which is similar to the old golden bow...
The rest of the build varies in order and itemization depending on your playstyle and matchup, there's a few mixed builds too due to the fact that general dmg has been reduced and tank builds begin to stand out, but I personally recommend full damage builds tbh...

Anyways, just enjoy the game that it's in a really good state right now, check all builds from this patch and if u need any in specific just ask!


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