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Beginnerish player looking for mentor (PC)

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Forum » Mentoring » Beginnerish player looking for mentor (PC) 1 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by GobbleWobble » May 16, 2017 6:55am | Report
I've been playing smite since the start(maybe middle) of season 3, then I stopped because I've been getting bad games daily, it was supposed to be a "break"(eyy reference(I probably shouldn't put references, forgive me)), and that break extended for way too long.

after a year, I've started to play smite again, I know the new gods and stuff, I'm okay with builds. some of my problems are:
-I don't know when to be aggressive
-when i do play aggressive I die
-when I do win, I'm usually carried with sad stats

hopefully someone sees this, I really want to get better at joust and conquest specifically jungle(nem) and ADC(neith,, iza, or skadi) although SEA servers is a wasteland for conquest.(help with joust basically)
IGN: gobblewobble
SEA servers
I should also add, I can only communicate through in-game chat


Posts: 5

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