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Learning in Anticipation of S9 and Conquest in General!

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Forum » Mentoring » Learning in Anticipation of S9 and Conquest in General! 4 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by weredawgz » January 6, 2022 9:46am | Report

I've been playing mainly arena and assault (I like assault for learning gods i wouldn't otherwise play!). I have figured out a small pool of gods I like a lot, and while I THINK I'd be most interested in Support/Mid/ADC (in that order), I'm interested mainly in learning the positions first that will allow me to work on the gods I'm already interested in (even Jungling, which honestly scares me lmao). So really even moreso than general mentorship, although I would LOVE tips, I'm looking to figure out WHERE I should play for my character types.

Anyway, in order, these are the gods I'm interested in:

Yemoja (love playing support with her-- but I tend to fall behind bc people want tank but I physically can't catch up with the characters I need to, so this may be an item issue)
Nu Wau
Nike (I like playing her super disruptive)
Skadi (I've heard she's not great, but I LOVE her)

Because of my love of Yemoja, AMC and Skadi I've been loosely learning duo lane in general, but rotations are kicking my ***, lol

Like I said, I will focus on learning any position, so even suggestions with my god picks where I should focus my energy would help!


Posts: 5
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » January 6, 2022 10:52am | Report
Yemoja - Support

AMC - ADC and Mid

Nu Wa - Mid

Nike - Best in Solo, can flex Jungle, possibly playable but not good in Support

Skadi - ADC and Mid

Bellona - Solo and Jungle

Baron - Mid, Support and Solo, but weak in all 3 (Solo *might* be his worst)

The best gods ATM in that list are probably Nike, AMC and Yemoja.

For help with builds you can check the #use-a-bot channel in the official Smite discord server, and type ?godname to find builds for the gods you want. Keep in mind the builds are tailored for Conquest. Amoral also uploads Support build guides here on Smitefire.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by weredawgz » January 6, 2022 11:21am | Report
Thank you SO much for these! So from the looks of things I'm probably going to go mid and support as my two main positions, but learn solo just in case. Sucks that the first god I fell in love with (Baron) basically isn't great in any conquest position, but that's what arena is for!

This is really helpful, thank you so much!


Posts: 5
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » January 6, 2022 1:09pm | Report
Hey weredawgz,

So, past the Conq guide I linked you in your other post a couple of weeks ago, note that you CAN use the guide to reference which gods are commonly played in the various roles. Each role chapter contains the list of gods.

Now, Kriega offered role answers to the list of gods you provided, and also referenced where you might find example builds. I do want to touch on a couple of things you talked about above.
  • You mentioned learning the positions first to allow you to work on the gods you're interested in. You're starting mid and support, which are both fine. I would probably leave jungling till later once you're comfortable with 1) the conquest map, and 2) some of the other roles, so you can start to see what is happening in those lanes. You might try paying attention, when possible, to how both the enemy and friendly Junglers affect you in whichever lane you're in during the early game. That might start to give you an idea of how Junglers can affect the different lanes, and when they're most able to make a difference in those lanes.

  • With Yem, you mentioned tending to fall behind. Understand that this is standard...the Supp is basically always splitting farm (with the ADC early game, here and there with Jungler / Mid-laner later), so unless you are getting lots of XP / gold from lots of kills/assists and your team is dominating, you're going to be behind most of your teammates in levels and gold. This is okay. You're not there as much to deal're there to be able to take attention away from your teammates, soak damage, and provide utility (usually crowd control). You don't need levels quite as badly to still be able to influence fights. After a few minutes in the match, you'll usually have at least 1-2 full protection items, and that makes you way better at taking incoming damage than most of your teammates. Does that info help?

  • Rotations (Support): I've detailed some of this in my Conq guide, for Supp and the other roles, but I'll try to detail in general here. For Supports, you are going to stay in the Duo lane for the first few're trying to prolong your stay for farming efficiency, protect your ADC, help potentially secure kills when possible, and protect your nearby jungle farm / steal enemy jungle farm when opportunity allows.

    In general (not specific), you may look to start rotating once you've got enough gold to back and get your first full item (usually Gauntlet of Thebes if you want to keep it simple). You'll usually be around level 5-6 at that point.

    Personally, when I back as Supp and get my item, I might try to share a wave or two w/ the ADC, especially if the enemy Supp is still in Duo, to start getting protection stacks of Thebes. I usually make my way back toward Duo lane anyway when I back, as I typically pick up Wards, and try to ward the nearby jungle to help the ADC with vision (to protect from ganks from Supp / Jungler) when I'm not there. At that point, I start heading to Mid...split some waves there, when the jungler is nearby try to share a camp or two, etc. You don't want to just hang with any one teammate, because you don't want to slow their farm too much...this is partly why Supps level so slowly in comparison. You'll also be looking to be in the right place at the right time...moving to counter the enemy Supp, helping gank ADC or Mid if opportunities are spotted, help to secure or zone the Gold Fury, etc. As you can see, there are a lot of things to think about.

    One strong suggestion I can give is to try to always have a purpose in your movements. Don't just wander in the Jungle not sure where to go. Watch the minimap often...not just to see where enemies might be, but also to spot when jungle camps respawn and to help soak farm efficiently when possible.

  • Rotations (Mid): This is mostly more simple. You're the mid-laner, you're mostly sticking in the mid lane. You want to get as many of your lane waves as possible. Then you also want to take as many of the 2 side harpy camps as possible. Watch respawn for your Damage buff and pick that up anytime it respawns. Ward your nearby jungle areas to prevent ganks. If / when it's safe, look to steal the enemy, if you know the jungler is in a side lane, and you just killed the enemy Mid, you can try to steal their jungle camps with less fear of a gank. Team up with the Jung or Supp to get kills, in slightly more extreme cases, you can even rotate all the way to one of the side lanes to help secure a kill. But the mid area and the nearby camps are your main focus.

  • You mentioned Nu Wa...she and Baron Samedi from your list are your likely mid-laners, and Nu Wa is a generally good one to start with, probably. One quick tip, don't just save her ult to try to secure a kill. Better use is, when you and your team don't know where enemies are, use the ult to help spot them on the map. Can be helpful to prevent upcoming ganks, or to steal Gold Fury or Fire Giant (or push a lane) if enemies aren't nearby.
Hope this helps! Let us know if you have more specific questions.

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