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Looking For Both Noobs and Pros On PC

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Forum » Mentoring » Looking For Both Noobs and Pros On PC 3 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by NobleOutcast » November 11, 2015 11:38pm | Report
So I'm a Smite player who just converted to the PC version from Xbox. (Updates that kept braking the game, bad framerate, poor controller aim acceleration, all my friends moved on to Blops 3, yaddah yaddah.) Anyway, I've played there for quite some time there so I'm quite proficient at the game. I know all the ins and outs of every role as well as well as having a fair bit of knowledge on most of the gods and items.

The problem I face now is that I can't find a decent game of conquest to save my life. Since I'm such a low level on the PC version, I keep getting put, for the most part, with other people at the same level who have little to no knowledge of the game. Now I'm a pretty patient person, so I don't expect for every player to know what to do with what god they've picked, but there's always at least two or more noobs who refuse to listen to simple instructions every damn game. Or trolls. Or elitists who rage at EVERYONE.

Now I've decided to come here looking for two types of players for conquest games. Those who are low level, like myself, (technically that is) but want some help on how to play the game, and players who are high level that can let me role with them, and perhaps give me the down low on things that might be different on the PC version.

If you're here looking for someone to help you, I can give give plenty of assistance on all aspects of Conquest. What to do with the god you've picked, what items to buy for them, good jungling etiquette; and if you happen to pick a god I play as, perhaps some in depth strategies for them. (I main Zong Qui, Fenrir, Sobek, Neith, and Vamana to name a few). Like I said, I'm a patient player, so I don't need you to be the perfect student. As long as you can follow simple instructions, you're already way ahead of the curve.

And if you're a pro, then I really just need you so I can join in with you on some proper conquest games. Maybe even make some connections higher up to the skill level that I'm really at. Now, I'm not some god (no pun intended) when it comes to Smite, and I'm still pretty fresh to the whole PC experience, so please try to be at least a little patient with me. But I can hold my own in a fight, even if I haven't the slightest clue on how to use the dialogue picker yet.

If you're reading this and you are either one of those two players, then please reply in some way so we can set up a conquest game or two. I live in North America, and I work most days from 10-7pm PST, so that's my schedule situation.


Posts: 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » November 12, 2015 2:24am | Report
I believe you could link your xbox and pc account


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by NobleOutcast » November 12, 2015 11:09am | Report
I have linked them, but it doesn't really do anything. You just get a skin for both accounts I'm pretty sure, nothing is transferred between them.


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