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Need help with mid lane

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Forum » Mentoring » Need help with mid lane 4 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TheOverLord200 » November 6, 2014 5:44am | Report
Hi, i have been playing Smite for atleast 4 weeks, and i am realllllly bad, so, please, can someone teach me?

Will be on, on Thursday and Friday UAE
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Greenevers » November 6, 2014 6:08am | Report
Sure I'll just write a couple sentences for you and If I'm online at that time feel free to add me in-game or ask me anything. IGN - Regen

So during the mid lane your main goals/jobs are as following.

1. Farm
2. Mid Camps (also denying enemy farm)
3. Team Fights/Rotations

You will have the most gold from the start since you have no jungler or support that's in the lane with you. Start at the right mid camps traditionally unless you're invading a speed buff. The early game and laning phase is the first important task that comes up as the mid laner. You need to successfully clear the minion wave while also harassing the enemy mid laner if you can. Ideally you want a mage who can clear waves fast and poke fairly easily. Good examples of this are He Bo, Agni, and Isis.

As the mid laner you'll have to be careful for ganks; the support and jungler will most frequently rotate to your lane in many cases together. So ward up, make sure you have an escape ready at most times. Also vision is important to know when the mid camps will be up. Usually you'll have your jungler and support to help you out incase there are any team fights but you should be doing the most player damage. Not always but it usually works out this way. Mid camps are important because they are the two camps that give the most experience out of any jungle farm in the whole map. If you're alone and mid camps are up think about the stitch. Is it warded? Is an enemy missing? Do you have an escape ready? And you can take them fast pretty much as any mage so it's not as risky as you think. But farm for you alone is still better than farm for the enemy. Share if you can, but don't let the enemy take them.

Most mages have aoe abilities and huge ultimates (sigh) so you'll want to do the most damage from afar. Don't be in the middle. Let your tank/bruiser soak up damage or apply the cc. Chase with your team, retreat with your team.

So summary - Laning phase, mid camps, and team fights are your main goals. Some things I didn't mention were generally rotations to either duo or solo lane and grabbing the red buff when you can with your jungler. PM me on Smite or here if you need moar help.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TheOverLord200 » November 6, 2014 6:21am | Report
Wow, thank's alot, and Legend of Korra fan, eh? Because, your profile picture is Amon.
You're just a star, among billions. -Stargazer Anubis


Posts: 9
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Greenevers » November 6, 2014 10:59am | Report

Wow, thank's alot, and Legend of Korra fan, eh? Because, your profile picture is Amon.

Yeah I like LoK. But I like to change my avatar frequently.

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