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Need warrior tips.

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Forum » Mentoring » Need warrior tips. 1 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Majestic_Jackal » March 15, 2014 5:20pm | Report
Alright so basically I have played every role and gotten the hang of it, Mages, Hunters (ADC's/Carries), Guardians (Tanks) and Assassin's, but one role simply just puzzles me, as I seem to have many hit and miss matches. and it be the legendary role of Warrior.

So the warriors I see are Odin,Guan Yu,Tyr,Vamana,Chaac,Hercules and Nemesis (Though I consider her a pure Assassin with how her kit works and most play her pure Assassin builds) I've played Odin and found him quite fun and easy, Guan Yu I enjoy but he seems a bit complicated, Tyr was pretty good mostly cause I enjoyed the blink Tyr technique, Chaac I seem to struggle with a bit, but I have won about 3-4 matches with him, Vamana I haven't even dared touched once as he seems strong, but I have a feeling I'd flub up with him.

My main question is what exactly is the common basis of item builds with a Warrior or strategy? I mean, everyone knows ADC's go for DB and Rage and all sheer shred items, sometimes defense if required, mages can change about as all mages got other play styles, Guardians are basically all about building the defense against the enemy team's strongest and also supporting and securing kills, and Assassin's I know are just used to poke in and pick off stragglers or to group up with allies to bring down, or if fed begin picking off enemies, but Warriors are where I just become troubled, my usual builds most of the time for Odin is

(Warrior's Tabi, Void Blade (Void Shield), Runic Shield, Jotunn's Wrath, And this is where it depends, needing major defense I pick up two items, Sov or Mystical mark and sometimes Bulwark, or if were basically wiping up as I only play 3v3 really I get the Rage and DB combo so I can be hard to kill and really bring the hurt)

But yeah, all I simply would like is some Tips'n'Trick from any experienced Smite player who got more a handle on Warrior classes, Truly I am a good and well rounded player but I'm nothing MLG or pro, I know how to play right is what counts, but I'd really like to start playing more warriors to begin gaining masteries on them.


Remarkable (5)
Posts: 48

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