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New player needs help with Conquest! Mid/Support

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Forum » Mentoring » New player needs help with Conquest! Mid/Support 8 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Vintrella » November 16, 2020 2:07am | Report
I've been playing smite for a bit now and im really really enjoying it! However im lvl 26 now and ive only played clash, joust, siege and arena. I want to learn conquest too now.
My gods at the moment are Nox, Nuwa, Hel, Discordia, Chang'e and Yemoja. I dont perform well under yelling so thats why i havent played conq yet.

Thank you in advance, i can use all the help there is!


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » November 16, 2020 3:54am | Report
If you haven't already I would suggest you first read The conquest guide we have here available on the site. This can potentially help you understand the mode more.

you have at least already identified which role your god pool is suited for. To give you a small rundown for mid.

for mids the game starts by helping the jungle do their speed and then proceeding to lane. this way you should hit lvl 2 from the first wave. In these early lvls you preferably want to focus on outclearing your opponent and if possible hit both the wave and your opponent with your abilities or autos to start poking them.
Do keep an eye on your jungle as he and the enemy jungle likely will arrive around the same time near mid. a good tip is to ward mid camps. This can evolve into a gank, being ganked, or in some cases a fight over mids.

Depending on if someone dies or needs to go base, after the wave is cleared you will proceed with your jungle to red. Clear red and return to lane to continue farming. Do be more vigilant with warding, positioning as the junglers paths become less predictable and the support will also start rotating sooner or later. with mid being the easiest accessible lanes expect them to visit a lot.

While farming you want to try to keep poking (and avoid being poked) your opponent. As the game progresses you will more easily clear the waves allowing you to rotate and gank other lanes or help with invades.

late game you will provide the AoE magic damage during teamfights

Also I highly recommend to learn to use the mute button so you do not get tilted. if someone is annoying or their attitude is dragging you down just mute them.
I also recommend to watch videos from people playing mid lane to get moe of a view. especially people making play by play vids will help you learn as they explain what they do and why


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Vintrella » November 16, 2020 4:44am | Report
Oh thank you so much!
i didnt know about the speed buff in the beginning. Ill definately check out more videos and everything!

Thank you for your time!


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » November 16, 2020 5:46am | Report
Post level 30 (or 31?) you start playing with over level 30 players for the first time which is something to keep in mind.

Some vid guides i'd check out: (Conquest guide by Fineokay and Frost) (Fineokay explaining teamfights) (Wolfy2032 explaining sieging) (Wolfy2032 explaining siege defense)

Mid and ADC building guides:

Also: (in particular check out the Word of Thoth guide)

Players you can watch per role on twitch / youtube :

Support: Inbowned, Genetics, Neilmah, Awesomejake408.

Solo: Fineokay, Nika, Haddix, SoloOrTroll, Duck3y.

Mid: Venenu, Wlfy, BigManTingz, PrettyPrime, Haithi, Screammmmm, Zyrhoes, Sheento.

ADC: Pandacat, Zapman, Barraccudda, Wowy, Netrioid.

Jungle: Cherryo, Lasbra, Adapting, QvoFred.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Vintrella » November 16, 2020 7:03am | Report
Oh thank you so much for the guides / Creators i can watch!
Yes i've been watching Venenu for his Hel / Nox mid mostly.
i also read the conquest guide on here, so i have a little bit of a better understanding how it works. Better start playing Conquest a bit before i turn level 30 then!

i'm definately gonna check out the support and other roles too, just incase i get autofilled!

Thank you so much!


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » November 16, 2020 11:37am | Report
Hey Vintrella,

Also, take it slow, and don't get frustrated. At lower levels, a lot of people don't do what they're "supposed" to do (which is what you'll generally see when you watch Venenu, for example). It can be intimidating, but just keep at it. Familiarity and repetition is what will get you to a comfortable spot.

And of course if you have any other questions as you continue on this journey, we are here to help!

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Vintrella » November 17, 2020 11:23pm | Report
Hello Branmuffin17!

Yeah i have experienced this yesterday haha, but it didn't ruin the game for me!
i'm actually quite enjoying conquest, learning my rotations as a midlaner and its going better every match i play! unfortunately we indeed had 2 people solo for some reason and no jungler, or when i was support my carry went solo and my solo and mid went together in midlane so i had to 1v2 lol
it was .. quiet an adventure haha

but thanks to the help and guides here i'm slowly finding my way in conquest!
Thank you so much everyone!


Posts: 6
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » November 18, 2020 9:14am | Report
The nice thing that can happen in those situations, if you're smart enough about farming and staying safe. When you find yourself 1v2, keep in mind the enemies sharing the lane split the farm, so you'll get ahead of them slowly but surely.

It can also be a learning experience to deal with pressure.

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Mythical (401)
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