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New to ranked and need guidance

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Forum » Mentoring » New to ranked and need guidance 5 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TheFastSpark » October 8, 2020 9:53pm | Report
Hi! I'm a fairly new player who's been playing since about mid July this year and my current player rank is level 67. I play Smite for HOURS on end, but never seem to improve much. I just feel like I'm missing something in the terms of how to exactly play.

My mages I play are Chronos, Discordia, and Nox.
My hunters I play are Apollo, Cupid and Medusa
My Assassins I (rarely) play are Serqet, Susano and Ratatoskr
My Guardians I play are Ganesha, Kumbhakarna, and a tiny bit of Cerebus
My Warriors I play are Amaterasu, Nike and Vamana.

I usually play only Mages (namely Nox and Apollo I main heavily) and Hunters since those fit my liking of what I want to play, but I'm usually never good when it comes to Ranked. Of when to know when to rotate as support, or when to rotate or gank as assassin. I only play Serqet in ranked when I'm assassin. I just feel I'm missing something and would really appreciate a coach as to teach me the better basics of ranked and how to play better. My IGN is "TheFastSpark" on PS4.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » October 9, 2020 12:16am | Report
Hello Spark,

That's pretty funny, your list of favorite gods has pretty good overlap with mine. From your list, Nox and Discordia are my most comfortable mages. Cupid and Medusa are my favorite hunters. I play assassins less than other roles, but I do like Ratatoskr. All 3 guardians, and Vamana.

Can't directly help you since you're on PS4 unless you cross-play. Some general questions:
  1. What modes do you play? You're asking about ranked so assuming you mean Conquest, esp as you also talk about rotating. Just want to make sure.

  2. Do you play with controller or do you hook up a keyboard and mouse?

  3. How familiar are you with other gods that you didn't list? One major aspect of play is having some familiarity with ALL gods. Even if you never play as them in ranked, knowing what their capabilities are (and thus what they can do TO you as an enemy or HELP you as a teammate) is really important.

  4. Have you watched gameplay videos? You can check out how the pros play by watching some of their videos. You mentioned ADC and Mid as your main roles. Check out PandaCat and BaRRaCCuDDa for ADC, or Wlfy or Venenu for Mid.

  5. Do you ever handle picks and bans in ranked? Are you familiar with which gods are most commonly banned? Knowing gods also can help you counter-pick based on enemy choices.

  6. Understand also, it's not just about ranked. In playing ranked, you really want to already have some familiarity with general gameplay, e.g. when it's generally good to rotate, where you should be in a teamfight, when it's a good time to go for an objective. If you're not that comfortable with these concepts, you should probably step away from ranked until you learn a bit more.

  7. How do you build? Can you give us general examples based on some different gods? Having a good solid understanding of which items to choose and when can give you a step up.
Not that the guide will directly help you, but you can read my Conquest guide which also gives you general concepts. Answering the questions above will help us get a better understanding of how we might be able to help. If you want to share your in game name, we can also look up your player details and see your match history and glean info from that.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » October 9, 2020 3:25am | Report
Don’t play Nox in ranked, and I’d ideally only play Chronos in ADC if you have hunter mid or you have phys solo + Jung + Support.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Big Damage » October 9, 2020 9:28am | Report
I would also add on people to watch Incon is great and really informative. At the moment he's doing an A-Z guide with every god in the game showing how to play them, I think he's up to the letter P at the moment.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Setolino » October 12, 2020 8:27am | Report
Discordia for Mid, I wouldn't really play a Chronos in that role tbh. He can work well there, but not as good as a adc or solo imo. Nox is kinda meh tbh. don't see her played to often and if they almost always underperform.

I like Apollo and Medusa the most here, probably because I play Athena a lot and they synch up pretty amazing. Cupid is really good with a Sobek as a example so I would look at what the supports want to play.

All your junglers are decent choices so go with whatever, but counter pick Serqet into enemy healers.

Except for ***bha I don't really like any of the supports you play, so I can't say much about them. ***bha however is one of the best supp picks in ranked imo, his presence in a teamfight is insane.

All your solo picks are good, I would say Nike the most by a landslide in ranked simply because of the off-support you offer in mid-late game, that no other warrior does to that degree, plus the passiv that helps the entire team.

Roation is pretty easy as support, as soon as you feel comfortable to leave your adc to solofarm for a bit, you can help the jungler do the right side buff+ mid harpies and initates ganks on the mid lane. You should leave solo alone unless specifically requested to help or a squishy is the lane enemy. That is the same for junglers imo. Go back to duo lane when you have done some stuff with the jungler and ganked mid lane once or twice, stay for a bit in lane. Rinse and repeat until mid game.

For ganking as a jungler you should go ...whenever really, atleast for mid. Just try to make a 2v1 out of it and be sure the enemy jungler is doing buffs or atleast far enough away to not immeditatly help (place wards). For duo it's a bit more complicated. There are many options really but a safe approach is always to go in while they are overextended, so they just can't run back into their towers and wait you out. Again watch out where the other jungler is, and look at your duo lanes health,mana and ult status before deciding how to approach the fight.
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