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SMITE for XBOX. Community of non toxic players ONLY

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Forum » Mentoring » SMITE for XBOX. Community of non toxic players ONLY 4 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by uG BabyHands » December 1, 2015 3:37pm | Report
Xbox gamertag - uG BabyHands

First off, let's start by pointing out how polluted the Xbox community is for smite. No matter what game type or time of day, 3 out of 5 matches suffer from someone quitting on either team.

I, quite frankly, am sick of it.

I'm looking to create a community of like minded players, with the resources of an already existing clan (United Gaming) No skill level required. Things like spamming "you rock" Upon death will not be tolerated.

i will be posting threads up on multiple different sites to try and get this thing jumpin. My overall goal is to always have players connected within this community to join in games, help newer players understand roles and things like the MAJOR differences between "tank" and "guardian" (will elaborate upon request, as it's too difficult to explain in text)

This game is so incredibly versatile and has so many variables that anyone who is not familiar with this type of game, it can take years just to learn the basics if you have to figure them out by yourself. Simple things such as the time it takes for a camp to respawn. Not to mention who should get what camps and why. And the best part is it changes almost EVERY game. So many options, where to start.

So with that being said, please anyone who is willing to work as a team, contact me on xbox. Gt is mentioned above.

uG BabyHands

Posts: 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by GameGeekFan » December 1, 2015 4:12pm | Report
Well thats not gonna happen since this IS the internet we are talking about. (Toxic players I mean.)
They will always exist.
Getting a community like that together will be kindve hard to have EVERYONE to not be "toxic". People have different definitions for the same thing.

Like I dont think spam is that bad, just mute. Its actually being an ******* in game by talking **** for no reason or taking farm. Or being AFK in spawn even though they are still clearly there.

Also you are over-exaggerating for having to take years to learn the basics. Its not the basics that take time, its how to react to different situations.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Caster269 » December 2, 2015 4:03pm | Report
I'd definitely be wiling to to join. My gamer tag is Caster269 and I usually play with 2 of my friends, but I'm only lv19 and I haven't played that long. Me and my friends usually play exclusively arena and a little assault from time to time, but I've wanted to learn conquest for a while but it seems very difficult to get into when you don't know much and I don't want to piss off my teammates for making a poor decision so I've mostly avoided it and am looking for someone who could help me learn the mode. In arena I usually go positive and have a decent kda so I can at least play the game decent from a gameplay perspective, but as far as game knowledge I'm mostly lacking. I'll send a friend request later, but if you know anyone who could help out that wouldn't mind a mostly complete noob I'd definitely be up for learning


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » December 3, 2015 2:50am | Report
uG BabyHands wrote:

Xbox gamertag - uG BabyHands

First off, let's start by pointing out how polluted the Xbox community is for smite. No matter what game type or time of day, 3 out of 5 matches suffer from someone quitting on either team.

I, quite frankly, am sick of it.

I'm looking to create a community of like minded players, with the resources of an already existing clan (United Gaming) No skill level required. Things like spamming "you rock" Upon death will not be tolerated.

PC isn't any better and however I do find DotA (2) or LoL have a little (really small) less toxic community it will still feel kinda as bad.

uG BabyHands wrote:

i will be posting threads up on multiple different sites to try and get this thing jumpin. My overall goal is to always have players connected within this community to join in games, help newer players understand roles and things like the MAJOR differences between "tank" and "guardian" (will elaborate upon request, as it's too difficult to explain in text)

This game is so incredibly versatile and has so many variables that anyone who is not familiar with this type of game, it can take years just to learn the basics if you have to figure them out by yourself. Simple things such as the time it takes for a camp to respawn. Not to mention who should get what camps and why. And the best part is it changes almost EVERY game. So many options, where to start.

as GGF mentioned basics don't take learns and learning respawn timers from the camps is just go to wiki. and because all camps have timers (if you see them being cleared) it's also less important to learn those exact times as you can't plan forward very far.

Also guardian is considered to be the tank class in the game (highest HP and protection base and scalings in the game) however they don't need to be played as a tank. I don't know how your view on them so I'm curious, but your comment does partly let me think that for you the terms are also role related. However I'm not going to prolong this point as I do need to know the view first before I should (otherwise it could come over as insulting)


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