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Basic roles and Gods to fit those roles.

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Forum » New Player Help » Basic roles and Gods to fit those roles. 4 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Mesty » December 11, 2015 4:55am | Report
I am new to SMITE and would like to get into competitive. I was wondering if anyone could tell me the roles or a basic team comp, so I can play Conquest. I have all the God's, so if you could suggest God's to fit those roles, it would be much appreciated. Thank you :) (PC btw)


Posts: 3
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Bullfrog323 » December 11, 2015 7:05am | Report
Hi Mesty, welcome to SmiteFire

if you are new to SMITE and wish to learn more about this game, I'll suggest some reading for you.
These guides are not dedicated on specific gods, but rather on the game itself.

Amarey's BUGS - Beginner's Universal Guide to SMITE

Firraria's Complete Beginner's Guide to SMITE!

Devampi's Basic mistakes you want to avoid


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » December 11, 2015 11:31am | Report
Hi Mesty,

Besides the links Bullfrog provided, which you definitely need to read, you've also asked for gods to fit those roles. We can definitely suggest, but as I'm guessing you may already know, each god is quite unique and their kits may or may not suit your preferences.

Since you've mentioned competitive, it may be best that you consider the general tier list for gods considered the most effective in the current meta. The two biggest ones I'm familiar with are from Incon and DMBrandon. You might consider checking out Incon's YouTube page for more details. I'd link it, but YouTube is blocked on my work computer =P

Also, before you become competitive, it's pretty essential that you have SOME experience with pretty much all of the gods, just so you know what their capabilities are in case you find yourself playing against them or with them.

That said, partially based off of Incon's latest list, as well as my non-Conquest, non-competitive knowledge of the gods, these would be my suggestions, and my choices were I to start that mode:

Support: Athena or Sylvanus
ADC: Rama, Neith, or Medusa
Jungle: Thor or Ratatoskr, or maybe Freya
Mid: Eset or Janus
Solo: not really sure here...maybe Hercules or Bellona

Welcome to SMITE and good luck!

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Mesty » December 11, 2015 3:04pm | Report
Thank you guys for the responses, much appreciated.


Posts: 3

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